truemale wrote:Neither is my head in the clouds nor buried in the sand, but that I speak from experience.
Great! That is what I'm looking for.
What in "your experience" causes you to KNOW there is a "higher power" -- or are you just guessing?
Quote:Assuming there IS a "god" makes for better answers than assuming there is "NOT..." - whether the answers are selfish or not is irrelevant.
That is absurd. Assuming there IS a God is a cop out. It allows you to avoid having to logically establish the premises upon which you are basing your arguments or assertions.
Quote:Also - as an addedendum to the "many questions"... There are NO "mysteries of life" - only unanswered questions.
A distinction without a real difference. A cheap debating trick in my estimation. Stay away from this kind of thing. People will lose respect for your ability to stay focused.
Quote: To each question answered is relative to the quality of the answer they will accept. Which, in turn, does not make the answer false, merely the acceptance of that answer.
That really doesn't make much sense -- and seems to be just a bunch of words written in a way that pretends to be profound. But you may be on to something. Why not rephrase whatever it is you were trying to say -- and let's discuss it.
For it is also true that there is no ability or inability to udnerstand - only a willingness or unwillingness.
Huh??? How do you come up with this stuff. And why would you want to copyright it? Who would want to steal it?
Quote:Therein lies the freedom of the soul.
Is there a soul?
And how do you know that?
And with you my friend. You sound like an interesting person. I hope we get the opportunity to exchange views on whatever it is you are saying here.
Quote:P.S. I do not recall mentioning the word (or subject) "God" anywhere in the idealogue.....
You mentioned "higher power." Where you talking about George Bush -- or the Electric Company???