Let me tell you guys something. Currently i am studying in Dubai and the school i attend is REALLY corrupted. AC's don't work, desks that don't fit students, dirty class rooms and the teaching is awful.
I have taken physics, chemistry, math, english, History, IT and some compulsory courses like Arabic, islamic (Not doing so well at those 2).
I hate this school and i am just waiting for 4 more months, after i complete my IGCSE's i am once again going to head back to toronto to do my grade 12. Currently i am doing well in all my subjects. In my core maths which is the easier version of the real curriculum ( covers basic and easy chapters in grade 11 maths), i scored a 98 / 100 on my exam(grade 10 finals). I was once in the normal math classed but i got booted to core maths because the teacher i had was a real asshole. He never taught anything, he just talked about his life and then assigned class work and homework with minimal teaching. One day with frustration i told him he couldn't teach for **** and i got booted to core maths.
I couldn't do much because belive it or not he was Head of Mathematics and also the vice principle. Talking to the co-ordinator was useless because she trusted him more than me. I am telling you basically he swore every 10 minutes in class and students who SUCK in maths where given B in report cards. He got fired because they caught him smoking in school and false marks given to students. I couldn't change back to the original math in grade 11 because grade 10 and 11 is combined and i missed half the topics so i sticked to my core class.
Core math was extremely easy for me.
I honestly hate it, messed my future
PS: this school has no guidance councellor or anything similar to it.