phoenix, i am very much interested in law. I was planning to do law since i was young. Math just became a problem for me after Grade 10 when i realised i wasn't so good at it. Lawyer is something i always wanted to be but isn't it a plus that i don't need exceptional math skills? I am telling you, i spent daily reading 'anything' related to law. I read interviews, day in life, admission criteria etc. I have read every single website that talks about Law.
Yes by looking at my statement i can see how you came to a conclusion on my interest in law. I didn't mean that. Just because Law requires no or little math, that was no reason i chose it to be my future career. It's what interests me. I prefer it over medicine, engineering and just about anything else. You have no idea how determined i am

Enough about my intuitions about law. Phoenix i want to ask you, while you posted your comments on suggesting to take an MBA and JD degree, i spent the last couple of hours researching about this. I understand that i need to take GMAT test along with TOEFEL. And its a 4 or 5 year course depending on which university i apply to.
What i want to ask you is:
Do you think i need extensive knowledge in mathematics. Maths is alright with me but i cannot handle heavy loads of it since its my weakest subjects. What courses do you suggest i take in high school to help me in business along with courses to help me in Law as well. << Most important question (is extensive knowledge of math needed to be successful in getting my MBA degree or even in business). I am not week in all areas of math but i am sure if i take courses i can do it. I dont like maths, and that maybe the reason i do bad on it. ( Or my teachers just suck )
Second question, is it possible to have a JD degree and then go to another university and pursue to get an MBA degree elsewhere?
Does MBA involve intensive use maths, i searched on websites and it doesn't tell me a lot. Information is limited and not concise. I hope you can answer these questions for me.
By the way i REALLY appreciate your time replying to my posts phoenix. I may still be a teenager but my heart is really set on becoming a lawyer.