OK I get it now. You put pictures of a "bell" and "end" to refer to "bell-end". This turns out to be vulgar slang refer to the glans (i.e. the end of the penis). This is not a term with which I am familiar; it isn't used by Americans... at least of my generation. But I appreciate the chance to learn something new. But it raises some questions.
1) Both Lulu and Chai seem to want to talk about my genitals. Should I be flattered?
2) My little embarrassing row with Chai was over weeks ago. I don't mind rolling around in the mud with anyone who wants to dive in with me (I am a troll after all) , but even I was ready to let this one go. What kind of person would come uninvited to drudge this up again?
3) The number of women who are willing to use sexual terms to refer to men in an internet debate is much higher than people admit (and Pew Research supports this). I don't think I would ever use a sexual term to refer to a woman, even when I disagree with her.
Many people would consider this a form of sexual harassment, at least if the target was female. This is another example where feminism doesn't mean equality.
So Lulu, if you really want to jump into the mud and roll around with me, I am all for it. It will be consensual, and if I didn't enjoy it I would just say "no". But be aware... I take equality seriously.