Kicky doesn't eat chocolate, he rests sans chocolate toxins, such as they may be. He is busy snarfulling, and sfulgging, or is that sfulgghing,and twitching too. Isn't he cute with the soccer scarf across his brow? But which soccer scarf, exactly?
Is it Juventus?
Is he burping pizza? we come, Ceili...where it stops...nobody knows...
Did someone mention chocolate??!!
<waiting for a dream update>
Okay, no dreams about platypus-men or women bathing me last night.
Actually, I only remember a little part of a dream where some old guy was telling me something in Italian, and I completely understood everything he was saying, even though when I woke up, I didn't know what the hell he was saying, or even if it was really italian or just something that sounded like italian.
Anyone else ever have a dream like that, where you understand something in your dream that in real life you have no knowledge of?
I wonder if what that guy was saying could have really been italian. Could I have picked something up, but in my subconscious only? And then is it possible that it's in there, but I am only able to recall it in my dreams? Hmmmm....I believe it's possible. What do you guys think?
I have no idea. I think it easy that you could have understood everything he was saying in his language, but that that language could have been all babble. It's your dream, you get to understand what ever your subconscious wants you to understand.
But, as for picking language up without knowing it and then having it enter a dream as a real language - that's a bit of a stretch for me.
kickycan wrote:Anyone else ever have a dream like that, where you understand something in your dream that in real life you have no knowledge of?
Well, I once had a dream in which I understood my then-girlfriend ... does that count? Scary, it was.
so, like, if you sleep with your language text under your pillow, does it really, like, help you learn the language better?
cuz, like, i heard that at school
Kicky, that's a big step in language acquisition. Forging new neural pathways. Seriously, it's cool.
Meanwhile, anyone else think this thread is getting bo-ring? <yawn> I can't imagine it going on for more than a few more pages before trailing off, maybe 4 at the most. <yawn>
Guessed 69 then did we Soz?
I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....
soz I have three hundred pics of apple trees I intend to post to uh fill things out to 71..... so stand back.......
Language acquisition.
What an interesting topic, soz.
We can talk for simply days on that one.
At least I know I can.
And apple trees. Will we be discussing heritage varietals, Joe N?
Oh yes, we'll be going on about Spys and jonathans forever and a day till we approach that magic 71 page then all bets are off while I persue the links to see who will be my wench. er date.
Okay, so maybe the part about me actually understanding the language in my dream is a stretch, like littlek said...but maybe not. I have watched a lot of italian movies lately, with subtitles.
Now, isn't it possible that since I was reading the subtitles as I heard it, that somewhere deep down in my brain that information is recorded and stored, and only during a dream state is it accessible? They say we only use like, what, 4 or 5 percent of our brains? So who is to say what that other 95% can or can't do? You can all poo-poo the idea if you want, but I think it's very possible.
So there.
at which point i will begin to post my prepared lecture on the subject of ida reds.
then perhaps something on the topic of the new canajun cider industry.
I've dreamt in french, but it was simple very basic language that I knew upon waking as well. Or it wasn't - a whole different thing. I still don't buy it. But, as soz says, it's a new level of language development.
that reminds me. the dogs have to go out again.
OK, so first we have paulaj gettin all hot & bothered over the idea of Slappy in diapers, and now here's all you women rushing in to poo-poo over Kicky ...
Man, and they say men are sick. I'm ... impressed.
I'm sorry nimh, did you want some poo-poo too?