Oh ****, I was wrong about Ceili's guess! It's 66, not 62! I'm so glad you had me look back, dlowan!
This thread is sloooooooooowing dooooooooown.
Well, then I think it's time that you took off your top and starting shaking those fantastic ta-tas around, honey!
<turns on Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls" and begins digging around in wallet for dollar bills>
Who's the dollar for, me or the Motley Crue girls?
Hmm...I'm tempted to just keep posting once a day until nobody wins...*maniacal laughter* 10 more than 1897, but just this side of infinity...that's mean...I won't do that. Good luck, Ceili! :wink:
shake shake shake
shake your bootie
paulaj wrote:Who's the dollar for, me or the Motley Crue girls?
It's for you, of course! Now come on and shake what your mama gave ya, baby!
My tata's are from my dad's side of the family not my mama's.
I have no energy right now for tata shaking, but ehbeth does. Look at her go.
I'm just here to cheer you on, Paula.
When are you going to get that cute avatar back?
Aren't you sick of being in the "Witness Protection Program?"
Cute avatar?
What would that be, Paula?
Quote:The dreams of a nation.
That's what we'll call the video, when I win.
Yeah, baby, it'll be the dreams of a Joe Nation whoo boyo
All EhBeth's avatars are cute, except that one, which is gorgious.
Also, she isn't in the witness protection program, she was in front of the firing squad.
JOe: What about the Iraqis, who didn't choose to be in the middle of a war zone?
Just found this.
You said what littlek was doing in your dream, and what dlowan might have been doing if she was in the dream... do I dare ask what I was doing?
Oh, you, my dear, you were doing such things...such wonderfully naughty and delicious things...
Okay, you were just playing softball. Sorry, I know you were hoping I'd tell you that you were massaging my feet or bathing me or something like that, but I can not lie. Maybe next time...
But how she was playing softball, how she was playing ...
There's few women in the world who can play softball like Soz can, I'm guessing ...
He he he...you know what's weird? She looked exactly like that avatar. Like one of those movies where the animated characters are placed into the real world...and in the dream neither I nor any of my friends even thought that was odd, or remarkable in any way. Weird.
page 3 of the storyboard for Joe Nation's dream sequence
Eeeee, you wanna give him nightmares or something?
Come to think of it ... "Devising Kicky's next dream": a thread in which all of us put in stuff that we think will get into Kicky's subconscious and then return in his dreams ...
****ing with someone's mind was never so much fun ...