Ok, I'm back to normal.
You know, as of a few seconds ago, we have 27202 members, but only 8954 have actually posted? Crazy.
That's why the rest of us MUST post as often as possible!
Should I be eating Halloween Snickers bars, when I'm going to the dentist tomorrow?
Don't answer that.
3577 of those people have only made 1 post ever.
And only 516 of us have over 100 posts.
Done with those numbers (for now).
Hey, littlek, I think I'm going insane, because I had a dream about A2K again. It was a birthday party or something and dlowan was in it again, Soz I think, and you. You were making out with...are you ready for this...Henry Winkler!
Henry Winkler, eh....? Hmmm, was it vintage Henry Winkler, or current Henry Winkler?
It was worth being awake just to read that.
It was definitely not the Fonz.
well, isn't that too bad.
Kicky, do you really have dreams about A2K?
That's weirder than mine about me and RuPaul playing Golden Tee.
You seemed to really be enjoying yourself, actually. He was a therapist or something--I don't know why--but he was giving some little relaxation tips, and then he said that you two had to lay down together, and then you just seemed to lock eyes and BAM! Instant attraction. Pretty funny.
Okay, now that's two dreams I've had about A2K in a week. I think I'm almost ready for the loony bin.
Leave a forwarding address, kicky. We'll send candy.
So. I need a therapist, eh?
Thanks. No chocolate though, please, I'm lactose intolerant.
what is with you and the chco-lactose intolerance thing? Do you like chocolate? Eat bittersweet or dark chocolate. Lots of yummy goodness out there sans milk.
I don't think I like those. Well, I know I don't like dark chocolate. Actually, I'm not much into chocolate at all. I just wanted to make sure you guys know not to send it. I know all of YOU are positively in love with it. I will be depressed enough once I finally crack up without having boxes of chocolate at my door everyday.
Oh my god, I just realized that it's almost midnight and I haven't eaten dinner yet! You see how insane I've become with this damn site!?
Kicky, get ahold of yourself. It wasn't this site that was corrupting your sense of time. It was the paris hilton search that did that.
That's true! Thank you! Okay, now I'm going to eat. Yay! I might NOT be nuts!