Im new to this thread bid.
I just threw in my hat to keep the thread going.
What do I win?
Re: How Long Can You Make My Thread Get?
kickycan wrote:Okay, everybody, time for a contest. Guess how many pages this thread goes before it becomes old news and dies off. Once it goes one full day without a post, it will be considered dead, for purposes of this contest, and the winner(s) will receive a big wet sloppy make-out session with the A2Ker of your choice. If I win, I'm going to pick littlek!
I'm going to guess 9 pages. What's your guess?
Okay folks. Smog picked 52 pages. Are we going to let him win?
Smog will not win, but I'll need help here.
I think he picked Cav as his make out partner, by the way.
Really? I am honoured, but I hate smokers.
Oh, I'm not gonna let that smoggy win,
not gonna let smoggy win..........
I'm hummin' a tune here, but I can't remember what it is, or I'd get ya'll to sing along.
This is a very exciting thread.
I know that by posting here, I am making it more unlikely that I will win, but I need to state my case:
My life is sad, bleak, lonely, and completely devoid of hope and fun. Winning this contest would bring me more joy than I've had in the last decade, at least, but possibly in the entire course of my life. Please, please, think about how each post you make here to try to prevent my winning is actually rapidly killing my already crushed and beaten soul. If you care about my well-being and survival in the least bit, you will stop posting in this thread.
Thank you.
NOTE: Also, please do not post here stating your agreement with this post or your hopes that my life will improve, since I assure that winning this contest will help my mental state greatly, and any posts, even positive ones, might cause me to lose and fall further into my already daunting depresson.
EDIT: Since you might misunderstand this post, I am not joking in the least, but rather, I am actually very disturbed.
EDIT#2: Even my good friend Joe Nation is working against me. I am alone in this world.
EDIT#3: My death will be solitary, prolonged, and painful.
I feel your pain, smog, and rest assured.... I shall not post on th--
Oh ****! What have I done!
< falls on ground and begins to sob. Though body is shaking and pain is great, manages to reach up and push "submit" button >
Skreeeew you, buddy. That old sympathy line's gonna get you nowhere. I didn't pack for a guilt trip, comprende.
Yeah, smog, rotate on a big fattie you dumsum, there's no sympatico bullshoi with any sadsack sack of sackage.
Please, if any person who is trying to learn better English happens to read this post, ignore it.
Joe Schmoo
Oh oh lemme take a stab at guessing, yes folks, I'm sure gonna do a guess on this thread, I mean, I wouldnt wanna be the only person who didnt guess, yes well my guess will be, as you're sure all dying in anticipation to hear ... 528!
I need some help picking out who I am going to make out with once my win is acknowledged. Who should it be?
Anybody but me, Joe... anybody but me.
kickycan wrote:Paula, please...just pick a f*cking number!!!
It's like she was in a shoe store...
ok now that that passed by everybody ...
Nimh, we are not, repeat not, going to no friggen 528 pages of pure silliness. What the heck do you think we are ,,,, silly>