well im glad u found my annalisis funny and not disturbing
ok i reacon we could have the nice poem and nasty annalisis thread ill go make it now infact
look for it in humour
x-tremely well explained soul-collector, go and do your thing mate.
Hi kicky, Have you reached your goal yet?
Zealously keeping the thread going, isn't that the idea?
well the thread i said ill make is there just gotta wait for ppl to reply
You may be in for a long wait s/c.
y? dont u like it?
do i need to change any thing
y dont u post some suggestions
Nigh on to two weeks people have neglected this thread, oh the woeful shame of it all.
We have been waiting for ppl to reply (who is that anyway), according soul-collector.
Is it actually necessary to keep it going??
Seems a waste of time but what the heck.
Are we fulfilling somebody's predictions by going on and on? Should we be having a conversation here or just extending the thread?
bhlksjbngfsahybihbihydsvnkjvds m vc theres my input
Aaah, everytime I think my thread has gone limp and dead for the final time, someone revives it and starts making it get long again. Excellent.
You are fulfilling someone's prediction, actually. I believe Gus guessed that this thread would have "infinity" number of pages. We have a long way to go, people; now let's get going!
By the way, is that a correct usage of the semi-colon? Just wondering.
One might prefer a colon.
Really? I was thinking it might be a good place for a comma. Semi-colon is definitely the wrong way to go there then? You're sure? Or is it one of those judgement calls?