Thanks Butterfly!
Even though it has got me right down it is so gratifying to know there are so many decent people out there. Makes me more and more determined to keep trying.
The support I have received is really incredible.
lezzles, I sent a note to Sturgis - hopefully he'll resurface soon
I do hope so. Don't like the thought of any of us chickens out there in the cold on our own! The sooner we're all pecking around here in the barnyard the better!
Thanks, ehBeth! Sturgis has been in touch, and like everyone else on your link, my thoughts and prayers are with him. I think he's one of the good guys!
I knew if I searched long enough I'd start locating my old topics here. I appreciate the concerns that were shown me here and elsewhere...guess I make more of an impression than I realize.
Now back to the business of extending this thread...
It's great to have you back with us Sturgis

Lots of prayers and good wishes coming your way!
Warm regards, Butterfly
Hmmmm, ehBeth, there's something fishy going on here!
Some fool's been airbrushing your horse's shadow - look at that straight back!
That Texas stretch-Cadillac is a bit odd-looking, isn't it!
Tell me, is it correct etiquette to sit in the middle or back seat when the chauffeur is driving?
You come up with the toughest questions, lezzles!
I only know about taxis - back seat unless you're trying to get 4 passengers in.
depends if there's a bar in the limo
Ha ha ha, girls!
I was talking about the "Texas stretch-Cadillac" on the previous page!
As for the bar, I guess the canteens are hung on the other side of the saddle (probably labelled appropriately). :wink:
Hi Butterfly! Slow today, aren't they?
Have you got this humidity? About an hour ago I took my shirt off to cool down a bit. Good thing I don't have a camera on line - I would scare every one else!
Hi Lezzles,
Its very humid here too, has been for most of the day. A nice Southerly breeze would be most welcome about now, wouldn't it?
Indeed it would! I sometimes think it was never this warm when I was a kid, then I remember how lovely it was sitting on the back verandah when the southerly arrived.