Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:I SWEAR, it does not resemble a thread.
More like a baby mushroom. But I like hugs.
A baby mushroom

Is it a poisonous mushroom?
Yes. The venom leaves it's victims helpless.
Unless it's just the roofies...
So, your "thread" is a cross between a poisonous baby mushroom and a rattler?
Did I get it right, well did I?
Sure paula....whatever you say. I'd knowingly pat you on the head right now if I could.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Unless it's just the roofies...
I have no idea what that means, stop talkin' in riddle.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Sure paula....whatever you say. I'd knowingly pat you on the head right now if I could.
I know what that means, jeeeez.
paulaj wrote:Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Unless it's just the roofies...
I have no idea what that means, stop talkin' in riddle.
Ok, "roofies" is slang for that date rape drug. I don't know how to spell it, just sell it. I can rhyme.
Oh, and a lovely rhyme it is.
Thanks for the insight on the drug rape under-world. Every time I log onto A2K, I walk away a richer person. Amazing.
Paula, that's why I'm here.
To enlighten.
The rest of us Bostonians pale in comparison with what you bring to the A2K table.
We can only sit and watch as your brillance unfolds. Just the other day I noticed a remarkable reply of yours, allow me to quote, (i hope i get it right, it was incredible, and deep) it is ............................... <sigh> that say's so much about you. Here is another one of yours I admired for hours ............................... <grin>..........................................................How do you do it? I keep trying, but......I'm not you, I just can't do it and I've had it with me!
Actually, I don't use the whole <sigh> type thing, nor will you ever see my type "LOL" unless it's in a sarcastic tone.
So even though I can tell you're shamelessly hitting on, and want to have sex with me, you have the wrong guy.
I'm teasing, I don't ever remember you posting such silliness. Replies like that make me chuckle.
I'm going to use those replies some time, just for the fun of it. I'm going to bomb every thread going and leave something like <smile> ,especially if it dosen't pertain to anything, perfectly stupid, is what I'll be aiming for.
Slappy it would be funny coming from you if you did that, it's sooooooo not you!
You're teasing?!?!?!?
NO! I couldn't tell...I'm not good at picking up on sarcasm, but thanks for clarifying.
I scared you with the sex comment. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
<runs away>
<comes back>
<masturbates on my shoes to asian porn>
YOU scared ME with SEX? Are you insane at the moment??????????/
Slappy, give me a <sigh> by itself post, nothing else. It will look ridiculous coming from you, just this once.
Have you been drinking today?