You seem bound and determined to prove george's point.
If someone accepts that there is measurable climate change and, to one extent or another, that humans have contributed to it, but believes that the prescribed remedies may be worse than the ailment or have not been given proper consideration, that is a disagreement with policy, not science and yet you insist on categorizing such a person as a
science denier:
Quote:That's a confusion deniers make
It is difficult to to see how your use of
science denier as very strong epithet is not something that you employ to castigate those who disagree with your opinions on policy.
You've expanded the definition of the term to include those who deny the Holocaust and believe 9/11 was a plot by the US Government and now you suggest that anyone who doesn't agree with responsive polices because they may be too draconian are not only
science deniers, but confused ones as well.
This fits in rather well with your seeming belief that
deniers all have sinister motivations and are deliberately engaged in a disinformation campaign. Your prior reference to their denials perhaps being illegal seems to be teeing you up as an acolyte of
Bill Nye the Fascist Guy who thinks imprisoning
climate change deniers (not sure if has as broad a definition of science deniers as you) would not be such a bad thing.
You also seem to be quite proud of shutting up your
dad the denier. Did it occur to you that maybe he stopped sharing his views with you because he didn't particularly appreciate being castigated by his son for being a reprehensible foe of earth, humanity and science, or did you not care as long as he didn't spout heresy in your presence? I can only hope the OP doesn't follow your advice and example with his father-in-law who sounds very much like a good guy who simply has some wrong ideas.