It is quite laughable when progressives make a show about being devotees of science and then abandon it when it suits their largely politically driven beliefs.
GMOs are the products of major corporations (And specifically that evil entity known as Monsanto) and major corporations not only don't care about people's well being if there is profit to be had, they intentionally want to hurt people. (In case you think this is an exaggeration, visit any of the numerous anti-GMO; anti-Monsanto websites) Therefore, GMOs are bad. It matters little that there is even a greater degree of consensus among scientists, within the applicable fields, that GMOs are not harmful than there is that climate change is a certain calamity for humans and one which they have brought on themselves.
Proponents of a woman's right to have an abortion have made the claim that ultrasound readouts that might suggest that a fetus is more of a person than the mother might have thought, are a fraudulent scam perpetrated by evil defenders of the patriarchy who wish to control women's bodies.
Fracking results in tap water than can be set ablaze.
And so on.
Ideology seems to trump most things and certainly science can't disabuse an ideological zealot of something they feel they must believe.
It's important to note, I think, that science is a means for learning the truth about the way the universe and all within it operates. It is not a body of truths, and one of the ways science arrives at the truth (or the closest possible approximation of it) is by challenging the assertions of those (including scientists) who claim to have it all figured out.
I vividly recall my 10th grade Chemistry teacher telling our class that everything he was teaching us about the structure and behavior of atoms was considered obsolete by contemporary scientists. When asked why then was he teaching it to us he replied
"The State requires that I do."
Was he a science denier? Were we who thought everything the State required us to learn was highly suspect science deniers?
The recent so-called "March for Science" was particularly laughable as the organizers on their website very markedly pronounced that poverty, colonialism, transgender rights, unrestrained capitalism and every other topic that was a hot button for progressives were issues of
science. The intent was clear:
Science provides perfect truth. We love
science and
science agrees with us. Those who don't agree with us are
science deniers and superstitious and ignorant morons. And what was the primary message of the March (other than all of our progressive views are based on
science and therefore undeniable)? That the government needs to spend more money investing in science.