Science Deniers are Everywhere

Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2017 10:04 pm
Yeah, I know all about it. Here is something I've already posted:

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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2017 10:08 pm
Jever notice how Steve Jones keeps appearing as the main author of the line of crap?

Here is a dandy example of Science Deniers are Everywhere, one of the best ever on planet Earth.

Did you ever notice how Dr Steven Jones, whose CV blows yours out of the water, farmerman, proved NIST's lie wrong suggesting the molten steel seen pouring out of the corner of WTC2 was aluminum.

What is your PhD in, farmerman?

NIST knew it couldn't be aluminum so they invented a cockamamie theory about organics mixing in to give the yellow glow, "like fireplace logs". So, Dr Steven Jones did what scientists do [pay attention, farmerman and learn] he did an experiment that proved NIST's theory wrong.

Why do you think that NIST still has that lie/disproved theory on their FAQs page? Isn't that terribly unscientific, farmerman. You'd never try to cover things up like that, would you?

[See farmerman's stellar scientific performance at,]


The reason that NIST left this lie up on their website, as they also left other lies up, is because molten steel is 100% fatal to the US government conspiracy theory.

It is 100% impossible that alleged hijackers were able to melt steel. Molten steel was a big topic for some time after 911 until someone figure out that it blew the government story into a million pieces.

The other reason NIST left this lie up on their FAQs website is that that is the place most citizens go to to get their information. The question and answer format is easy to understand, especially the NIST lies.

Now, it's verboten to talk about the huge volumes of molten steel. Even the scientist, farmerman, denies it, each time breaking his oath as a scientist.

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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2017 10:12 pm

[waves to the science denier]
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2017 10:34 pm
The seismic data from Palisades station (lamont Doherty) fully supports buildings' collapse in which airliners compromised the structure, fire softened the structure enough to deform and initiate collapse. AND, no seismic data (proximal P waves ) support ANY BS about explosives. There were proximal S waves that continued as the building dropped, aided by transference of large amts of kinetic energy that loaded onto successively lower floors and sustained collapse to a terminus in which P ,S, an L waves were detected.

Ya cant lie about seismic data , It recorde the planes hitting and the collapse of the building. Now I hear that Jonesy an his gang of jerks have revised their explosives BS.

You conspiracy guys are nuts, ya know it?
You deny everything that sits there and stares you in the face and accept so much untruth that you call scientific evidence. Wow are you easily duped.
The argument that Jonesy stated about seismic data supporting explosives has been shown to be a baldface lie. SO, if you lie about one thing in a story, and are found out, WHAT CONFIDENCE CAN YOU HAVE IN ANYTHING THIS CLOWN SAID???

Thats all for me for the next couple months.
You guys can keep up your circle jerk . You apparently have so much time and energy invested into buying the conspiracy story that you cant back off now. Im just amazed at your gullibility.

You are perfect models for science denial and youve got support from an ignorant nutbag radio talk-show host who loves to make up **** as he goes.

Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2017 10:45 pm
"Evidence" from a known liar.

I'm sure that there are people who have noticed how farmerman states things as if they were true but he never provides any data, or sources to prove what are only his own notions.

Why don't they say anything? Is science really in such a sorry state in the USA?

Notice how he failed to address NIST's lie, the one that is 100% fatal to the US conspiracy theory, but he lies about Dr Steven Jones with a ferocity that is totally unscientific, which only illustrates how scared he is of the science Dr Jones does.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2017 10:48 pm
You deny everything that sits there and stares you in the face

Molten steel stares you in the face, farmerman. And you deny it, though you must have seen it pouring out of WTC2. How many hundreds of millions of people have seen the same thing?

I can get you a video of it if you ask, farmerman?
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 12:19 am
Glenn IS mentally sick. That should be obvious to all. And he is trying to spread his mental illness, the way a rabid dog would.
Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 12:20 am
Glennn wrote:

Thanks. I'm just curious to see if Olivier understands what he's talking about.


I never talked about that. You are sick. Get help.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 07:27 am
How far you have fallen, Olivier, how sickening far are you willing to go? Glennn is as rational as can be. It's you, farmerman, Max, to some degree, you guys are off your rockers, denying reality with such a vengeance.

You are science deniers. This thread was custom made for you and your science denying cohorts.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 07:30 am
This thread has gone off the rails. The discussion was fairly reasonable when people were ignoring the 9/11 craziness.

Able2know does not need another thread about 9/11 conspiracy theories. I think the discussion about real science and society is finished... so you kids have fun.

Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 07:41 am
Max the "scientist".

Molten steel is absolutely fatal to the US government conspiracy theory and you know it, Max. So deeply dishonest you are.

Max: A2K doesn't need a thread that describes me, farmerman, olivier, ... to a T. I've spent enough time trying to derail science and I don't have the mental wherewithal to continue. Lying takes a huge toll on me. Even when it's shared with my fellow science deniers.

Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 07:49 am
I see some suspicious similarities between Camlok's posts and tweets that come from a certain inhabitant of the White House.

(hmmmmm could Camlok possibly be an alias for our president?)
Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 08:19 am
sorry but Im done with it.Nothing good will come from trying to teach geoPhysics to a parakeet.

Its on topic though because science denial has always been focused, usually upon single issues in which the deniers try to make their points.
Eg, The fact that the genome of a species, retains all the"fossil genes" in increasingly declining ratios and the use of gene-sequencing allows us to understand the relationship that ancestral genera have to "daughter" species is an undeniable fact.
The deniers ,however, like to ignore gene-sequencing as irrelevant to their "design driven" worldview. They accept DNA but deny one spoke of the wheel.

As a geologist, I feel that much of the mistake of "linking ancestry" of species is the fault of paleontology wherein "fossil genera" were linked by phylogenetic similarities. We used to think that hippos and pigs were related to pigs, however genetics shows that they are actually related to dolphins and sirenians

Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 08:24 am
Most "undeniable fact" conclusions of science have been subsequently modified by subsequent discoveries. Does arguing with "one spoke in the wheel" od a scientific theory make one a "science denier".

Most of this over long extended argument is merely pedantic bullshit
Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 08:41 am
Most "undeniable fact" conclusions of science have been subsequently modified by subsequent discoveries. Does arguing with "one spoke in the wheel" od a scientific theory make one a "science denier".

This is a false argument. It is clearly false that "most conclusions" of science have been "modified". If you make a list of all of the conclusions of science... and then mark the ones that have been "modified" (whatever that means), what do you think you will find (other than that the statement is meaningless)?

This shows a basic misunderstanding of how science works. When Einstein developed the theories of Generally Relativity, he carefully developed each of Newton's relations.

In the current discussion, it is also a dodge. Scientists have reached a consensus, something that is backed by loads of research and that the vast majority of them feel confident about.

When this type of consensus is reached, science has a very good track record. In a democracy, politics has more power than science. But let's be honest what we are doing is not logical in a scientific sense.
Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 08:46 am
And let me point out again, that science isn't owned by any political ideology. Liberals (in the US sense of the word) deny science too; for example in the areas of GMO denial and organic food.

Global warming happens to be a particularly urgent issue right now politically. But anyone who says that only conservatives deny science is simply incorrect.
Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 08:48 am
Max the "scientist", follows farmerman the "scientist". You guys are hilarious, Max.

Not one bit of science from you in all this time. Sad. What a waste of four years for you. You got nothing out of it.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 08:49 am
I can see why youd say that youve got some A2K "colleagues" who arent tied to a full discipline as are you.

Try to imagine gungas basis for denying evolution. Its inanity on steroids.

Now many say hes just kidding. However, Hes put too much passion and ten years of time for it to be a joke.

As far as your "one spoke" reference, I had an old MG TD with wire wheels and did a nasty tire job from not having 3 spokes tuned properly.

My point about focusing denialism on one portion of science (while giving a pass to all others) isnt bullshit. Its the way many of these deniers justify their beliefs !and even call them "Scientific"). Many deniers deny radio-isotope dating techniques but buy nuke power s scientifically proven and settled

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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 08:50 am
sorry but Im done with it.

'it' being diverting from science with all the might that you have shown in every science thread I've seen you in.

What did you say your PhD was in, farmerman?
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 09:02 am
Able2know does not need another thread about 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Molten steel flowing out of WTC2 is a fact, Max. A fact acknowledged by NIST. A fact acknowledged by anyone who is sane.

It scared you silly, didn't it? You can tell by how you and farmerman rushed to hug each other.

What you two, and others are doing is denying science and denying reality. And you two pretend to be adults.
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