I probably like Amarcord the best, still remember some scenes... you'll know them if you ever watch it. It is set in the area Fellini was born.
I hated Satyricon. Tastes differ. Mine might too by now, but I suffered, almost crawling under the theater seat to avoid my boredom (husband was still interested in it... he has a masters in theater).
To me, the actress in La Strada (who was Fellini's wife), seeing that youtube that Olivier linked, just watching those bits, she is too doll like, but I don't remember having that reaction when I saw the film - it made believable sense to me then.
If you are not very fond of the Vatican, you might like Roma: I did like it, not the Vatican, the movie - but the storyline escapes me now. Well, storyline is a word that can turn into spaces with Fellini.