australia wrote:If there was a referendum in say france or netherlands or germany with the question " should islam immigration be accepted in europe?"
what do you the think the proportion of yes and no would be?
My guess to that hypothetical question would be that it would totally depend on the exact wording of the question.
For example, if you would phrase the question as, "Should The Netherlands continue to tolerate immigration from Islamic countries", my guess would be a clear majority would vote no, we shouldn't!
But if it were to say, "Should The Netherlands prohibit all immigration from any Islamic country", I think a majority would say no, of course we shouldnt, not
all immigration from
any Islamic country ...
Something to keep in mind when you do your survey ...
If you'd phrase it exactly the way you put it - well, you can't say "we" and what is "islam immigration"?, so instead, if you would say: "Should immigration of Muslims be accepted in the European Union?" ... I dunno. I think the knee-jerk reaction would be "no". But in the campaign you'd immediately first get a discussion on what "accept" means. If it would become clear, during the election campaign, that voting "no" means that every single Muslim asylum-seeker, even those from, say, Lybia, would be sent back; that not a single European who fell in love with a Muslim man or woman from abroad would be allowed to marry him/her and live together in Europe anymore; that - etc - I think that such consequences would make enough people balk and vote yes, instead - or more likely, not vote at all and thus invalidate the referendum.
(I don't believe there is a legal possibility to hold a Europe-wide referendum, but it
was a hypothetical question ...)