Belgium: highest court finds popular Flemish party racist

Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:12 pm
FCDB wrote:
In Belgium the Flemish Block is condemned for talking about crimestatistics! So, we can conclude that revealing statistics about crime is not legal in Belgium!

Stupid me, thinking that the times of the NSDAP en the USSR were gone in Europe.... but they're back in Belgium, where politicians try to eliminate politcal parties in a non-election-way and where it's prohibited to reveal crime statistics.

Seems either you know European (e.g. German and Belgium law better than German/Belgium and other lawyers and jufges or your statement is really true.

Could you please give me the quote from the relevant Belgium law (or in the court's judgement) where such is quoted?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:15 pm
And true: seems, the times of the NSDAP were back in Belgium with the NAZI program of the Vlaamse Block.
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Diego Armando Maradona
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:26 pm
Is it racism by the way if I tell you that 99% of the streetrobbery in Rotterdam is done by foreigners?

Or that over half the crimes in the Netherlands are done by foreigners?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:28 pm
Diego Armando Maradona wrote:
Is it racism by the way if I tell you that 99% of the streetrobbery in Rotterdam is done by foreigners?

Or that over half the crimes in the Netherlands are done by foreigners?

Can't judge that - but in total contrary to any statistics and thus a big lie.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:30 pm

One of the points of the arrest is the so called "abuse of crime statistics". The Flemish Block revealed some statistics about crime in Antwerp and crime in Belgium ( after prime minister Verhofstadt revealed false statistics in the parliament ), that's one of the points they're condemned for. Which means that revealing statistics is not allowed in Belgium if the statistics are "bad" for the establishment or some etnical groups like Moroccan people.


onder de titel "Antwerpse Criminaliteitscijfers 1995, Opnieuw een stijging van 5%": "Volgens de officiële cijfers stagneert de vreemdelingencriminaliteit rond de veertig procent. Cijfers over de criminele daden van ondertussen Belg geworden vreemdelingen ontbreken echter. Als men de criminaliteit van de 'nieuwe Belgen' bij die van de vreemdelingen zou rekenen komt men boven de 50%.";

These statistics are so clear about the influence of foreigners in the crime in Belgium, but it's not legal to reveal them. That thing does remind me of a state like the USSR or Germany in times of the NSDAP.


"Een op vijf van de Antwerpse werklozen en één op drie van de bijstandgenieters zijn niet-Europeanen. Voor wat de Antwerpse criminaliteitscijfers betreft, stellen we vast dat 40% van de gevatte daders vreemdelingen zijn. Het Vlaams Blok wil Antwerpen teruggeven aan de Antwerpenaren. De Sinjoren moeten zich opnieuw thuis voelen in hun eigen stad, in hun eigen wijk, in hun eigen straat. Alleen via het voeren van een 'eigen volk eerst"-beleid kunnen de belangen van de Antwerpenaren gevrijwaard worden.

… Opnieuw zullen vele honderden miljoenen - ditmaal via het sociaal impulsfonds - besteed worden aan de zogenaamde integratie van vreemdelingen. Het Vlaams Blok is en blijft voorstander van de begeleide terugkeer van de meerderheid der niet-Europese vreemdelingen naar hun landen van herkomst."

Also concluding that 1 of 3 people who depend on the social system in Antwerp is non-European seems to be illegal in Belgium.


Het aantal vreemdelingen in Antwerpen neemt toe. De overlast ook. Zoveel is duidelijk. … Het is overduidelijk dat het in deze stad gevoerde beleid tegen de zogenaamde 'kansarmoede' (lees 'voor de vreemdelingenintegratie') de eigen Antwerpse bevolking schromelijk te kort doet. De cijfers op een rij. … Van dit aantal samengesteld uit 153 nationaliteiten, vormen de Marokkanen met 36% de grootste groep, gevolgd door de Turken met 12% en de Nederlanders met 10%. … Vreemdelingen-criminaliteit: het grote taboe. … In 1994 waren 40% van de gevatte daders vreemdelingen, 38% in 1995. Voor wat de diefstallen met geweld betreft, swingen de cijfers helemaal de pan uit: 54% van de gevatte daders zijn vreemdelingen. … OCMW: veel is niet genoeg. Van de volledig uitkeringsgerechtigde werklozen in deze stad was vorig jaar 19% vreemdeling, terwijl 30% van de bijstandgenieters buitenlander was. … Onderwijs: eigenheid komt in het gedrang. … De vreemdelingen vertegenwoordigen hier 32% van de leerlingen (hiervan zijn 18% Marokkanen, 6% Turken en 8% anderen)."

These statistics are also clear. They're not manipulated, it are just statistics, but it seems to be illegal to reveal them.

I can continue with 10, 20 or maybe 50 more examples but I think my point is clear now.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:34 pm
I kindly ask you to reread what you signed when becoming a member here, namely the "Terms of Use".

Besides, are YOU a moderator now here that you you can ask me stoppeing to write on the thread I created?
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:37 pm
Given the numbers Diego and FCDB are suggesting, you'd expect to find more foreign prisoners in Belgium.

Map & Graph: Crime: Prisoners - Foreign prisoners (Top 100 Countries)
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:39 pm
FCDB - given that Walter started this thread, he is probably the better judge of what is on topic.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 03:40 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Given the numbers Diego and FCDB are suggesting, you'd expect to find more foreign prisoners in Belgium.

Map & Graph: Crime: Prisoners - Foreign prisoners (Top 100 Countries)

These are official statistics. The point is that the Belgium government didn't count Moroccans with a Belgium passport as a foreigner, which is pointed in my quote. That manipulated the numbers to made it more politically correct.
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Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 09:32 pm
It should be the peoples choice what happens in their country. If a party wants to stop certain immigration, so what, let the people have a say.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 02:19 am
Well, that's exactly how parliamnetary democracy works:

you elect someone of your choice into parliament, and they make the laws.
(Additionally, you have even got plebiscites.)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 02:28 am
For dumbkopfs like me, what is plebiscites?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 02:32 am
australia wrote:
For dumbkopfs like me, what is plebiscites?

'plebiscites' is the plural of 'plebiscite'.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 02:34 am
what is a plebiscite?
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Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 05:00 am
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Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 05:52 pm
Direct vote.
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Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2004 05:56 pm
If there was a referendum in say france or netherlands or germany with the question " should islam immigration be accepted in europe?"

what do you the think the proportion of yes and no would be?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 01:20 am
I sincerely doubt that - besides laws, being against thus - any sane person would start a referendum on religious issues.
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Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 01:53 am
Walter, it was a hypothetical question. What % would say yes, what % would say no?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 01:59 am
Some more than would say e.g. "no Catholics" or "no Protestants".
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