See if you can Excuse me if I refuse to let you be the final arbiter of "rightness" or "wrongness" where it concerns discussions between you and I, friend Frank. There is far too much petty ego and trash talk afloat here for either of us to be the objective or righteous judge of that. We simply disagree, no more or less than just that.
Time out, guys.............we love you both.
"We"? Speak for yourself. I'm a boy. Boys love girls.
Scoates: ....
Lola: They don't mean it, they just like the argument...I think...
Well, at least I'm being mature about it. So there. Nyah, nyah, I get the last word.
My brother and I went into New York City yesterday...and among other things, we spent some time on the aircraft carrier Intrepid, which is moored at one of the Hudson River piers.
At one point, I was in a hanger which had a plaque noting that one day in 1944...a Japanese kamikazi pilot crashed his airplane onto Intrepid and the resulting destruction included an horrific explosion of fuel in that particular hanger with everyone in the room being killed.
That was 60 years ago!
I reflected on what is going on in Iraq right now.
We...and I use that word with a bit of trepidation here...are still at it!
Humans killing other humans...and being killed in return.
I'm not really sure if we are the Gods or not...but I do know that some lessons are harder than others to master.
Well, I've never had any confusion about whether humans are Gods.
I don't think "we" are capable of conducting the business of life on a global scale without war.
I think it's interesting how the suicide bombers in Iraq are being portrayed as uniquely "deplorable," yet that kind of stuff has been going on for centuries, if not millennia.
Like Frank said: If we are Gods...maybe we have to own up to our status as "Gods of War."
So.. umm Mr.IVI, do you believe in supernatural stuffs?
If I got a hold of some ambrosia, I wonder of what I would become God. Is there a God of sarcasm yet?
I read a quote from a Rabbi who said something to the effect that God reflects whoever is looking into the mirror......
Quote:God reflects whoever is looking into the mirror......
There you have it, the God of sarcasm...........a god I can truly worship.
We are all Gods of ourselves, thus making us all aliens.