Ray wrote:We are not gods. We can't break the laws of physics so how can we be gods? No matter how we try, will we ever travel faster than the speed of light?
If there is a god, then perhaps it is the everything that is our universe?
We don't know. I would like to believe in a Good god though, like who hristians are praying to, but I don't believe in a "plan" for that would make us seem powerless and not in control of our own lives.
One thing I do believe, is the Platonic sense of reality.
Ah...You're close minded as a bowling ball. (Thought it was kind of absurdly funny line.) Anyway, you think we can't break the speed of light.
You sound like the people who told the Wilbur and Orville that man couldn't fly.
Beyond that...How do you know we can't break the laws of physics?
I'd dare you to do a serious study of the paranormal.
The military hires psychics.
Millions of people stream to faith healers.
Greater than 10% of the population claim to have seen some form of apparition.
(Surely, not all claims can be correct, but it sounds pretty stupid to deny every one of them.)
PS: Plato believed in a God (Pantheistic) and Gods (Polytheistic). You should check out the account of his near-death experience. (