Thu 6 Feb, 2003 01:18 pm
Like to tinker with your old car? Need some repair information? Found a great site to find data on may older automobiles:Link to Auto Repair Site
Phoenix, The only thing I attempt on our car for repairs is to replace the bulbs. Beyond that, it goes to the garage.
c.i. I believe that this site only deals with older cars, that are not as complicated as the newer ones. Today's cars. Fuggedaboudit. If you don't have a degree in electrical engineering, you dont have a prayer. The days of the tinkerers are over, I do believe!
Phoenix, The last time I tinkered with a car was when I was in the service in the late fifties when I owned a Ford. It was a single block engine with only the basics. No fancy electronic stuff except for the distributor. I even replaced a thermostat once. Pure simplicity, but not any more. c.i.
Yep, but you forgot "lazy."
site is down, what a hokka
chilton will cahrge for their stuff, the way of the world no doubt