gave me another idea. Because the atmospheric pressure and gas Kp's are so low, besides the creaytion of O2 with the induction smelter, were gonna need a rolling mill to make lots of large scale tubing segments (like submarine hulls)
The metal thickness wont be so very critical becuase unlike on earth, where a vacuum in a gas tank could cause the tank to violently implode, with a surface psi of 0.8, no way would we have to worry. We would only need the steel tunnels to be like a coke can , just to hold in a nice atmospheric mix . As you said, it could be N (which could be mined from the "blueberries" and vulcnic ammonia ) or even Argon and a teeny skosh of CO2(we dont wanna get above 7 % where real CO2 toxicity reigns). (I read in the drilling gas manual that between 1 and 7% the borderline toxicity of CO2 can cause increasing symptoms similar to drunkenness.)
SO, my steel mill would need to be set up robotically with a stainless production(wed maybe need some chrome and other **** to make stainless.Of course, with no oxygen that sorta thing becomes moot doesnt it, Never mind.
SOO we can get away with making MILD roll steel to create huge tunnels for connecting to some kind of larger cityscape "geodesic or Buckeyball" domes. The doms would need to be some sort of trnslucent , at least, material thats strong and designed and built aerodynamically.
Well, we can begin to outfit all this robotically probably within 10 to 20 years if we act like we mean it.Ive got much of the technology already in my new Explorer .
We build the robots here, send em up an let them manage the whole gameboard for a coupla decades until its testably safe and weve got the tech to NOT make this a one way adventure.(I heard on the TED talks today that one guy was bitching "Now that we understand how immense space is, I wish the speed of light were faster' itd give us something (like a "v") thats more reasonable to be able to reach a nearby star in a few years by approaching 25% of "c"".
My whole thing is based upon the ability to use renewable energy to run induction smelting crucibles rolling mills, and production of the cityscapes and everything would be built and run by better , smarter, stronger robots who are place setters for the human expeditions in a hundred or more year schedule.
HOWs that sound for a resonable 500 year plan?