realjohnboy wrote:"Meanwhile, back to Canberra" -if that was a link- didn't work for me.
Dammit, RJB, that was meant to be a gentle, oh so subtle shift from capital punishment back to the dirty doings of the federal parliament! And So subtle that hardly anyone would notice & not feel that I'm gagging the subject. (It's very a touchy & divisive topic, as you may have noticed.) And you're telling me it didn't work? :wink:
OK, then .... I'll do an el quicko rundown for you of the dirty doings. I hope this makes sense.:
You remember, of course, that John Howard & the Libs now have control of both houses of parliament? And that JH has used (abused) this to introduce some very unpopular legislation? Like the sale of Telstra, IR "reform", Anti terrorism, legislation & at the end of last week, voluntary student union laws.
OK, so the vote in the senate on contentious issues can be very tight. Every single vote counts. The balance of power could shift quite easily should someone in the governing party decide to cross the floor & do a "conscience vote". Unusual situation, rarely happens, but it has been done.
Barnaby Joyce (National Party senator) has exploited this situation to his own benefit by grand-standing about issues like Telstra & IR "reform" & gaining a misguided "maverick" status, in the media, then caving in at the last minute & voting with the government. Very very tedious.

Bob Brown, leader of the Greens, referred to Barnaby as a "Christmas Turkey". Very apt!
Steve Fielding (
Family First. Fringe "Christian values" party: He fluked a place in the senate for reasons I won't elaborate on here) Anyway, to cut a long story short, he help Howard pass his students voluntary contribution law last week after a meeting with JH that same day. Barnaby Joyce apparently was so passionate about this issue he was prepared to face the wrath of Howard & his own party (coalition partners with the Libs) by crossing the floor & voting with Labor to defeat it. (Are you still with me?) Anyway he was out manoeuvered by Fielding who voted
with the Libs! Rumour has it that he & Howard did a deal on the soon to be debated availability of the "morning after" contraceptive pill. (Another hot potato!)
So, RJH, I'm completely exasperated that these two, Joyce & Fielding, are having such a disproportionate amount of influence over such incredibly important matters. Debate has been really heated in the senate over the past week & a bit as the Liberals have rushed through a huge amount of legislation, gagged debate & been generally obnoxious & totally unresponsive to public & media opinion on these issues. I wish I could have explained that less clumsily, but I'm a bit tired & that's the best I can do right now. Where is GF, or hinge, when we need them?