A few interesting bit & pieces from A 7:30 Report on concerns about IR "reforms:
SENATOR STEVE FIELDING, FAMILY FIRST PARTY: The Australian workers shouldn't have to bargain for meal breaks. They should be guaranteed meal breaks and, you know, look, these things are something that Australian families and workers really believe they should have and they've currently got them and why would we be taking them away? ....
KEVIN ANDREWS, EMPLOYMENT & WORKPLACE RELATIONS MINISTER: Ladies and gentlemen, I want to make it absolutely clear that meal breaks and public holidays, which are a feature of the industrial relations system currently, will remain a feature of the industrial relations system.
HEATHER EWART: But exactly how meal breaks and paid public holidays will remain a feature is not exactly clear. They certainly won't be contained in the five minimum working conditions specified by the Government, and Treasurer Peter Costello threw a spanner in the works by suggesting it could be just a question of bargaining for them.
PETER COSTELLO, TREASURER: Meal breaks are bargained at the moment. That's my point. Meal breaks are bargained at the moment. ...
RADIO PRESENTER, 3AW: What about public holidays?
PETER COSTELLO: In relation to public holidays, I think there actually is a lot of bargaining going on at the moment in relation to public holidays, but in relation to public holidays you get addition payment.
SENATOR STEVE FIELDING: Look, the issue here is do we really think that someone working at the checkout of Coles or Woolworths think they can bargain with their boss about paid holidays or meal breaks? I don't think so. .... etc.
<complete item from the 7:30) Report:
Politicians voice concerns over IR reforms: