I agree with your view on unions msolga. During the Accord years it was as if they were engineering their own irrelevancy and when you think about it, that isn't a bad thing. Let me explain before the roof caves in
Any organisation has to have a reason to exist. Business organisations exist to make money for their shareholders so they will keep existing provided they are able. A business organisation in normal circumstances wouldn't deliberately engineer its own disappearance as greed must be satisfied. On the other hands unions exist to protect workers from the predations of employers. Given that since Australia has had an industrial relations system heavy on law and order since 1904 the role of the unions has always been somewhat marginal. They are probably more important in an IR environment where nature is red in tooth and claw. So during the Accord years when we saw a close relationship between the ACTU and the Fed Govt many workers might have thought all was sweetness and light and they could save a few bucks a fortnight by baling out of the union. I mean wage rises were indexed in awards and IR in Australia was co-operative rather than exploitative.
Howard hasn't been able to force his ideology on Australia due to not having control of the Senate. Now he will be able to indulge all his IR fantasies by ramming through changes to the laws so that Australia resembles his fantasy - the US - in its IR aspects.
A union shouldn't exist to provide jobs for ALP members who want to work before getting a Parliamentary sinecure. Unions shouldn't exist to turn into monolithic bureaucracies. They should exist only to better the wellbeing of their members. Given the social aims of unions they should theoretically be working to abolish themselves by helping to create a society where there is no exploitation and cooperation between capital and labour is the byword.....
And no way is that going to happen. Capitalism is driven by greed and greed will cause exploitation. Business knows no ethic other than self-interest. Employers will do whatever they can to maximise profit for shareholders and therefore bonuses and huge salaries for CEOs, Directors, management and the rest. This Government is setting the IR system up to allow capital to exploit labour in a manner remiscent of the 1890s. Unions better start hitting the gym, they're going to need to be well and truly buffed up. And the ex-members will come flooding back as soon as they realise what Howard has in store.