Anne Summers & an intriguing insight into the heart-warming reunion between the mad monk & his laid-back son:
How the media adopted Abbott's feel-good spin
February 25, 2005/the AGE
There is a less flattering side to the story of Tony Abbott meeting his son, writes Anne Summers.
Has Health Minister Tony Abbott's media manipulation of the story of his reunion with the son he gave up for adoption 27 years ago irrevocably altered the terms of the debate on abortion?
Judging by the comments I have been hearing all week, a lot of people think so. And many of them are angry and dispirited by what they see as the cynical exploitation for political gain of matters that ought best to have remained private.
Abbott claims the first words his son said to him were: "Thanks for having me." For someone who has spent months successfully putting abortion back onto the political agenda such words must have seemed heaven-sent. "It was a great relief," Abbott writes in The Bulletin this week, "that my son's attitude was not resentment at being given up for adoption but gratitude at being given his chance at life."
The minister is now able to claim the moral high ground on abortion in a way that was not possible previously. This is not ideology, he can now argue, this is a life saved. By implication, everyone can do what he did. How much has this increased the degree of difficulty for pro-choicers who want to maintain the status quo?
Recently I attended a screening of Vera Drake, the moving Mike Leigh film about the backyard abortionist with a heart of gold who is ultimately imprisoned for "helping" women in trouble. As the film ended, there was the sound of sobs and snuffles but there was something else too: a discernible anger that we might be forced to return to the days of illegal and dangerous abortion. As the lights came up, you could hear Tony Abbott's name reverberate around the cinema. People, mostly women, were cursing him.
But this week Tony Abbott has become a sympathetic figure. He has confessed to being an inadequate partner to his pregnant girlfriend. He has traipsed through the TV channels, self-deprecatingly shrugging his shoulders, charmingly admitting that he was "callow" and expressing gratitude that he now has a second chance to do the fatherly thing for his adult son.
The subtext in all this of course is that none of this would be happening if Tony Abbott and his girlfriend, Kathy Donnelly, had chosen abortion back in 1977 instead of giving the baby up for adoption. And, of course, who would not agree when we look at lovely, laid-back Daniel?
But this is not the point. Not all adoption stories have such seemingly happy endings. The real story of the week was how Abbott managed the media to ensure the story got out with a spin that made him look good. And gave a big leg-up to his mission to end abortion in Australia.
Tony Abbott has characterised what happened back in 1977 as being the mutual choice of a couple of Catholic teenagers too immature to marry. The reality was different. Abbott has admitted he was "callow" (I think he meant "callous") in going on a planned holiday just after they learned Kathy was pregnant. What he has not said was that Kathy Donnelly wanted him to marry her, that he refused and, as a result, even though she was seven months pregnant, she dumped him.
The whole story is recounted in considerable depth and with a great deal of sensitivity to all parties in this week's Bulletin magazine. Journalist Julie-Anne Davies got a tip some weeks ago about the Health Minister being reunited with his son. She approached Abbott, who confirmed it but asked her to hold off publishing the story to give him time to talk to relevant people. The magazine could have run the story last week but agreed to the minister's request. He then betrayed them.
Last Sunday afternoon, just after Davies had filed her story, Tony Abbott rang his good friend Piers Akerman, rabid columnist for The Daily Telegraph and alerted him to the fact that The Bulletin was running with the story on Wednesday. Late that afternoon Kathy Donnelly rang Davies, extremely upset, to say she had had a call from Akerman. Abbott has told The Bulletin that he had no idea that Akerman would run with the story the next day; he was reminded by The Bulletin of the deal they had and claims to have rung Akerman a second time and also to have spoken to his editor and asked them not to publish.
Once The Bulletin realised they were being gazumped, they gave stablemate Channel Nine a heads-up and dropped enough of Davies' story onto the magazine's website to be able to claim it as their scoop.
The next morning readers of News Ltd papers around the country enjoyed the unusual treat of a folksy front-page story by Piers Akerman - his first cover story since 2001 - the spin on which immediately set the tone for the radio and television frenzy that followed. The story stressed the "thank you for having me", the supposedly mutual decision to adopt and the extraordinary coincidence of Abbott's son working in Parliament House. It was a heart-warming and feel-good rendition of a story that was told with somewhat more complexity in The Bulletin.
But on Monday, while The Bulletin was still writing headlines and laying out its package of stories, Tony Abbott was doing the media rounds transforming himself in the public eye from political head-kicker into father of the year.
The minister pleaded for people not to use his son in the abortion debate, thus making the link himself. He did not have to say this. He did not have to say anything. He could have claimed it was a private matter and refused to talk to the media. He did not.
Author Anne Summers was an adviser on women's policy in the Hawke and Keating governments.
"Thanks for having me."!?
More like: "Thanks for exploiting me for your own ends."!