Good morning, Oz.
Good morning, A2K.
Good morning, GetUp!
Two year of WorkChoices! Boo! Hiss! :
Dear friends,
Two years ago today, the Government introduced WorkChoices into Parliament. And we've got a special birthday surprise in store.
After this year's advertising avalanche of post-it notes telling you to 'know where you stand', we thought you might want to tell our politicians where you actually do stand. If we get 15,000 post-it notes signed by you within a week, we'll plaster Mr Hockey's North Sydney office - and others - with your stick-on yellow post-it messages.! KnowWhereIStand
We've got less than a week before we plan to deliver your message directly to Mr Hockey and other key politicians who voted for these unfair and un-Australian laws, in a way that will have undecided voters sitting up an taking notice. And we're prepared to take it a step further:
- If we get 30,000 notes signed, we'll put massive "Know where I stand" posters at every single polling booth in North Sydney on election day.
- If we get 50,000 notes signed, we'll also park a mobile "Know where we stand" billboard outside Mr Hockey's prominent office all the way to the election.
Next Saturday November 10 is delivery day - the anniversary of WorkChoices' passage through the House. Not only are we going to paint Joe's house yellow post-it, organisers are standing by around the country to take your post-its to sitting members in a local electorate near! you. Click here for your personalised post-it to be included:
This is our opportunity to rise above the smear and scare-campaigns of the election to focus on the simple issue of whether we think these laws are good or bad for Australians. All parties need to hear that laws which scrap unfair dismissal, penalty rates, overtime and more are something Australians profoundly reject.
"Know where you stand"? We know where we stand - we stand for a fair Australia that protects our workers' rights. We stand for a country in which you don't have to barter for maternity leave or work the weekend to keep your job. So on WorkChoices' second anniversary, before this crucial election to decide the future of workplace laws in Australia, tell the decision-makers where you stand on workplac! e rights.
Happy birthday, Australia!
The GetUp team