Quote:My real opposition to your point of view is the fact that forests are NOT destroyed by harvesting they are in fact rejuvenated.
Do you apply this to clearfelling ? And do you think a forest is just the trees? What about the animals?
Quote:I see coups on a daily basis returning year after year and I watch as they regrow.
By 'they', you mean the quick growing timbers...not the trees that take centuries to grow.
By 'they', do you mean every single species that was present before it was logged...and that your answer applies to all logging in Australia (which if a forest is clearfelled...it can't)
Quote:I see the fires that rejuvenate,
Something natural and unique to Australia as I understand it
Quote:I watch the habitat trees deliberatly left behind still housing the gliders, possums and birds and insects.
Does this apply to
all logging companies? Just how many trees? If it's too valuable to the industry, do they cut it down anyway, and say "There's others for them"? (forgive me for being cynical)
Quote:I see the returning fungi, peas and acacias provide habitat and food for animals and birds who shelter in adjacent un touched forests,
err...you mean the animals and birds who were originally denied shelter in the logged forest (and had to move to the untouched forest) ?
Quote:and I see the tall timber gradually regrowing to its former glory.
Sorry...We still don't have anywhere near the tallest red cedars in the world. Nor are you ever likely to be old enough to see certain species of trees 'returning to their former glory'. You will only ever see 'select species' do this.
Quote:Forestry to me is the ultimate act of recycling, a balance where man interacts with nature to the benefit of both.
And to me, Logging is like ....everything of value is gone from this forest...lets move onto the next...and when that's devoid of value...then we'll move on to the next...and hey, when one finally manages to find it's feet again...well, lets go back and whack it again.
The problem is, we (the human world) are destroying whats left of the world's natural living beauty...and any company or organisation that advocates continuing to do so is going to find itself the target of dislike and cynicism (ie. not just forestry)