Over-the-top & mischievous reporting of the Haneef case today. I can't believe that this sequence of reports actually happened!
This was what I found in my morning paper at the crack of dawn:
Government play to jettison Haneef, end backlash
July 22, 2007/the AGE
THE Howard Government is planning to deport detained terror suspect Mohamed Haneef to contain the political fallout from a case that insiders fear is becoming farcical.
By withdrawing the Criminal Justice Certificate that he issued last week, Attorney-General Philip Ruddock can ensure Haneef is deported immediately. ....... <cont>
Not much later, this hit the radio news:
Haneef focus switches to photos
Paula Doneman
July 22, 2007 12:00am/Sunday Mail
POLICE are investigating whether detained doctor Mohamed Haneef was part of a planned terrorist attack on a landmark building at the Gold Coast.
Australian Federal Police are examining images of the building and its foundations found among documents and photographs seized in a police raid on the doctor's Southport unit three weeks ago.
The AFP inquiry is looking at documents referring to destroying structures discovered in the raid, law enforcement sources said.
The investigation also is examining information seized in the raid which indicated the Gold Coast doctor planned to leave Australia the day before or after September 11 - the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York.
It is understood in his second interview with the AFP last Saturday, Haneef was questioned about photographs of him and his family taken in Queensland and overseas.
Haneef, a registrar at the Gold Coast Hospital since September last year, explained that the images were only tourist shots. Investigators consider some of the photos seized are not ordinary holiday photos.
The AFP investigation is also looking at information that Haneef was one of a group of doctors who had been familiarising themselves with the operation of planes at a Queensland premises. ... <cont>
Followed by this:
Haneef's lawyer angry over new leaks
Posted Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:13am AEST
Haneef's lawyer Peter Russo says he knew nothing about the allegations until last night, when he was contacted by a reporter.
The AFP (Australian Federal Police) will not confirm whether its officers found photographs of a prominent Gold Coast landmark and documents relating to the destroying of structures, while searching Haneef's unit.
Mr Russo says having the allegations surface in this manner is wrong.
"The police had the opportunity to put it before the magistrate, the police had the opportunity to charge a different charge," he said.
"The police had the opportunity to put it out in relation to the immigration issue on both occasions it hasn't happened, but we have to go and read it in the Sunday Mail."
Mr Russo says it smacks of desperation.
"The problem with it is no one wants to claim it, but I'm more concerned about the sinister tone of how the info has come out," he said.
"A link to a tall building and a link to September 11 can only do one thing in the public arena, and that's create fear." ..<cont>
Finally, after letting hours go by without comment the Australian Federal Police commissioner said:
Haneef plot reports untrue: Keelty
Posted 4 hours 55 minutes ago
Updated 3 hours 28 minutes ago
Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty says accused Gold Coast terrorism supporter Mohamed Haneef is not being investigated in relation to an attack on the tourist strip.
......The AFP this morning refused to confirm or deny whether its officers found photographs of a prominent Gold Coast building and documents relating to the destroying of structures while searching Haneef's unit. ...<cont>