Thing is, vikorr, if you'd spoken to some Lebanese about the "causes" of the riot you would most likely have received an entirely different story.
I've seen enough of these types of volatile situations in schools & in local communities (The "Serbs vs the Croats" in the early 90s, for example ...

) to know that there are hateful, destructive & crazy folk on
both sides.
The problem is, that what turned out to be a very explosive situation was not dealt with properly by local authorities or the police earlier on. (I agree with you on that.)
My gripe is with Alan Jones & his role & what appeared to be an
endorsement of one group in the conflict.
That made the situation far worse & encouraged yobbos who had nothing to do with the initial problem to become involved. I think it is quite correct that he should be held accountable for his actions over this.
The Australian Communications & Media Authority is the appropriate body to investigate complaints about his broadcasts, however, Alan Jones has disagreed with the authority's findings & has proceeded to vilify the authority on air since its findings were announced! Only to receive endorsement from the prime minister, the minister for communications & the opposition leader!
Alan Jones appears to be a law unto himself. He can broadcast whatever he chooses with impunity, apparently .... Can you imagine the furore if an ABC commentator had broadcast
any of the things Jones said prior to the riot? They'd be off air, probably sacked in a minute! And quite rightly so. Why should it be any different on commercial radio & when it's Alan Jones?
That is what my beef is here, vikorr. It is
not about supporting either side in the riot that occurred. It is entirely about acceptable standards & accountability in broadcasting in this country. I'm extremely disappointed that our government has chosen to undermine the standing of the
The Australian Communications & Media Authority in this instance (this, after the witch-hunts, undermining & board-stacking the ABC has had to endure!

). And I'm appalled by Kevin Rudd's endorsement of Alan Jones, too. (I think he's seriously damaged his credibility with many ALP supporters on this one.)