..& the scare campaign gets into gear! They must be seriously worried. This is going to get very nasty!:
Beazley to risk pay cuts
Brad Norington
June 14, 2006/the AUSTRALIAN
BUSINESS believes Kim Beazley's plan to abolish the Howard Government's individual employment contracts would lead to wage cuts for thousands of workers forced back into collective pay deals.
The warning came yesterday as John Howard attacked the Opposition Leader for trying to destroy the "aspirational prosperity" of Australians by removing incentives available under new workplace laws.
The Prime Minister said people employed on Australian Workplace Agreements, which Mr Beazley wanted to scrap, earned on average 13 per cent more than those on collective wage deals.
But he said Mr Beazley wanted to return the nation's workforce to the "backwoods of industrial relations", with less flexibility and lower earnings.
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry declared productivity, flexibility, choice and "a smarter way of working" would be lost if Labor won its battle to scrap AWAs and push workers into collective agreements.
ACCI chief executive Peter Hendy went further, saying wage cuts were inevitable if AWAs were abolished.
He said employers would have to lower wages if collective agreements forced them to pay most workers the same rates under Labor's policy.
"The logic of that is that if you return to a collective agreement you'll suffer a wage cut," he said. "How does Labor explain that to people?"
Mr Hendy said a key benefit of AWAs was that they allowed negotiations for productivity improvements. As well as higher pay rates, many AWAs contained family-friendly provisions such as individual start and finish times, he said.
Mark Wooden, from the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, said an advantage of AWAs was that they allowed employers to pay their most valuable people high wages, while others received less... (& so on & so on ... cont>