... The irony of all this is that early this week John Howard announced the likely imposition of a "smart" (ID) card (
non-compulsory, unless you need to use government services like Medicare & unemployment benefits, etc ... in other words if you happen to be

), the sale of Medicare Private (despite something like 70% of Australians opposing the sale) & a review of our drugs subsidy arrangements (What's the name of that scheme? Health Benefits?) to appease international drug companies one assumes .... All of this timed perfectly to take the resumption of the Cole enquiry off the front pages, just as the most damning "findings" for the government are tabled at the very last minute! But what happens? The tragic Jake Kovco fiasco wiped the
whole lot of the front page! Suddenly the media & talkback callers are asking for
answers, truth, honesty & integrity from government ... at last! The reaction to the cover-up about how Jake Kovco actually died (the story keeps changing!) & the bungled return home of his body has caused more grief for JH & co than they could ever have imagined. Right now the Libs would be very,
very worried! There is outrage out there in the community!