we grow and dry our own spearmint for spearmint tea.
Also mullein, which is a pleura expectorant if you have a chest coal.
The Amish brew some really fetid vile teas and poultices for sicknesses and infected cuts. ANYBODY whose seen the Harrison Ford Movie "Witness" will see that there was one thing the script writer got correct. My neighbor is a bishop qnd he hqd a "Pow-Wow" doctor make some dandelion, mullein qnd queen annes lqce teas for my sone when he was reqlly sick with pneumonia . Qfter coming from the hospitql qnd being all injected up with antibiotics, my neighbor (the bishop) hqd his wife bring this stuff home, My son got well (I think it was in spite of the tea, which kinda stank like a paper narcissus plqnt in flower) , sort of a hemical odor