Fri 29 Oct, 2004 03:58 pm
What are your favorite food products? This includes mixes, pre-made or frozen meals, canned soups, etc.
My favorite of late is Roses' just right salsa found in the cold case in Austin. (I think this is a local salsa.) It is so wonderful. Apparently cold (in the cold case) salsa in general is a million times better than hot (on the shelf) salsa.
Also, Trader Joe's Mango sauce (too bad they don't have Trader Joe's in Austin!)
Right this very moment I have a craving for chocolate chip cookie dough.
I love the natural "Amy's" food line - they make soup and frozen pizzas.
I like the dried Cranberries from Trader's Joe
and the spanish goat cheeses from there.
I love Nutella and from the frozen food section the
ethnic menues, in particular the indian choices.
Calamity, if your avatar is your actual photo.... damn!
Do me, bitch!
Nah gustav, I don't have the guts to post my own
picture - not yet anyway.
What was it? The Nutella right?