BB don't talk to GG

Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 01:51 pm
To a fine Email buddy Tim, an Ask the Builder Official with a corporation handling various fine household products……With this copy as Open Letter to [my sons and to all others suffering from the apparent lack of communications between the various Compartments of] The Modern World:

Thank you Tim for that Stain Solver Email offer this morn, a free sample of bleach. I clicked on ‘0.4 lb’ but I couldn’t find where to click in order to send the order so please lemme know whether you even got it.

But thanks a whole lot and hoping it solves my immediate need. [By the way, if you sell a gadget that will fish out that foreign object without scratching the bowl: why, send me an ad. With a Big Job I hafta flush 3 to 6 times, still a whole lot cheaper than calling a plumber, while over the life of the bowl cost of the wasted water is less than 0.01% of the cost of his visits.]

[Thus another Open Letter to Big Brother: If Don is doing such a fine job with Health Care, why not also some sorta GOP Plumbing Protection too?? (GOPPP, a misspelling of "goop")]

[Incidentally at the same time our inventive Everyday Efforts Expert reports that he offered The Ignorant Irrigation Industry five different ways to build a toilet that didn’t require those silly, complex, unreliable ball-and-valve mechanisms that break down repeatedly, calling for still another $240 plum’vis’. No response, a cold shoulder. The III [pron. Ai, Ai, Ai !! ] just don’t Email w/ the EEE [pron. Eeeee!]. One Block doesn’t Babble with the other Blokes, Talk with Their Thinkers.]

No. 2 Son:: In a followup to my posting at a2k complaining about one Authority not talking to Another, again reporting an instance, where it’s apparent, you see, that the Toilet Taskmasters don’t Post with the Plunger People. Tim's a new bleach, s/b very powerful, I hope will turn white all those black stains in the toilet, caused by the stupid plumbers’ tools picking up the coloring of an idiotic black plunger.

Speaking of this Same Subject, the Stupid Software Sort evidently don’t communicate with the Advertising Asses. As the very Ad I got this A.M. is typical of those that don’t tell you how to mail it back after filling it out (The Software Slobs not having yet realized that the saved Email doesn’t give a return address. Guys, why don’t y’all talk to one another?).

But Speaking of Stupidity, why can’t you fellas f’rinstance recognize “isd" as a misspelling of “is"’ and “ti"of "it"? [Can’t you see how the “d” isd adjacent the “s’”? How the “…rm” in “Germ” shoved together making it look like “Gem” ? ….Oops I forgot: That’s on a keyboard, but forgot than many of you fellas don’t even know how to use one. Oh, and ‘adjacent” means “next to.”] Maybe this letter’ll be the Intro to My Next Book, a Real Germ.

[Better’n the last two, I hope. I was especially disappointed in this Germ of a Gem when I didn’t get a single response to any pub. for my "The Lay Boy Book of THE WORLD, As told to the young man, in short words,” written entirely in words of one syllable]

Then there are the “Engineers” at a prominent water-timer mfr who won’t acknowledge a critical defect in one of their products, excellent in every other respect, 'cause their Expert Engineers apparently don’t speak to Cranky Customers. One local innovator owns 12 of the devices, all having failed in the same way for the same reason. [After tediously repairing each one writing many letters explaining how it might be accomplished on their prod line, he has reported this to its maker, who however only huffily accuses him of misuse.]

[Joe please let me know if I’m overloading your Inbox or if you got two copies of this Letter. I’d like to delete unfamiliar add.’s from my Email listing but the Software Stumpers don’t talk to the Apple/MacApple/ Assemblers so it takes a pc expert to advise how it’s done quicker. I’m hoping in an upcoming visit of my excellent No. 1 Son, an expert in this field, he’ll tell me how. I trust it doesn’t require 44 keystrokes…]

[And Ste ve D: I promise this’ll be my very last Letter in your Inbox, but does have to do with “Engineers.” Just wail ’til all those batt timer start to roll in with a broken valve!]

[And yo, Especially Email Ed.’s: When I need to move a word from one place to another you have three Different Difficulties, Depending, on how long I hold down the turtle key. Don’t you ever hafta edit your own work? Don’t you ever talk to your customers??]

[though, given thids opportunity, once again i’d like to plead with Swanson Health Products: In your millions of Email ads every day for med sales you don’t give the no. of tabs nor their potency; so how on earth do yo expect us old folks to make a price comp??]

PS: I’m fwding this missive to a2k who recently have also soffered from software probs: For days on end, immediately after posting, my ORIGINAL POSTINGS HAVE DISAPPEARED, IN THEIR PLACE “Topic not Found.” What ?? [The caps not for emphasis but owe to the Keyboard Kids not chatting with the Terrible Typist (me) but left ‘em in place since it seemed appropriate. They won’t tell me why, but I’m guessgrislying a2k's got some New Managers who resent Letters such as this one, who don’t talk to the Other Managers who’ve been using my grislygripes some 18 years now.]

[Oh and you Software Editing Experts: Do they select you on the basis of IQ (that is, lowest)? “Grislygripes” is a misspelling of “Grisly gripes.” ! “Grisly” means 'ugly ,all messed up,” while “gripes, means complaints…..]

It’s all in the Big Bunch not talkin’ to the Griper Guys. And mebbe vice-versa. My Worldly Writers, my Innovative Incompetents, where did’ja all go ???

Dale Hileman
Apple Valley

S&T Letter to the Ed.’s at Victorville Daily Press: Of course you’ve welcome to this’n too. If it’s too long please delete anything in “[…]”
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:01 pm
Dale, if you lard your posts with remarks about "big jobs" (or "Big Jobs" even), and they ramble as insanely as the above, I am not surprised if the mods delete them as fast as you make them. Saying "if you don't like my posts don't read them" has evidently run out of steam with the mods. I replied to one of yours yesterday, in which you complained about a post (also containing toilet references) vanishing. Shortly after I noticed that the whole thread had vanished. I can only say I am pleased at the new strict policy with regard to your nonsense. I have every sympathy with your personal situation, and I know you have health problems and Old Timer's Disease, but really, enough is enough!

Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:06 pm
enough is enough!
Indeed Cen nd thank you sincerely for your response
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:14 pm
I'm fine if Dale writes his missives to his local newspaper, but I'm not interested in reading them. He is proud of his writing cleverness, and proud of his ability to shorten people's names and shorten other words in order to save typing strokes. So damned cute. I won't put up with it when he does it in ESL/EFL threads, and try to skip the rest of his posts, having given up trying to help once in a while.
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:26 pm
ossobucotemp wrote:
He is proud of his writing cleverness

Are you being ironic?
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:27 pm
but I'm not interested in reading them
Quite okay Oss. In fact I've posted OP's to the effect that nobody hasta

He is proud of his writing cleverness

and proud of his ability to shorten ... to save typing strokes
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:44 pm
OMG - I never heard anyone else refer to poop as a "Big Job" - only my mother, who grew up in an Irish home with 10 other kids.

You made my day, Dale.

My father was always asked by his Canadian mother, "Did you go chair-chair before they went out. We always laughed about that one, too.
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:44 pm
dalehileman wrote:
In fact I've posted OP's to the effect that nobody hasta

I don't have to read the things people write on toilet cubicle walls, but they are there and they intrude into my awareness just as your posts do. They are there. We see them. They are very stupid.

Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:46 pm
PUNKEY wrote:
OMG - I never heard anyone else refer to poop as a "Big Job"
Don't encourage him.
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:50 pm
No, actually. He likes being funny and playing with words. I do too, though not in the same ways. He is proud of being an erstwhile writer. I almost sympathize. I think erstwhile is his favorite word.

Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:56 pm
We know nobody hasta. How would you think we didn't understand that? But our point was that you were messing up the ESL threads for new english learners, often confusing new learners with your playful unhelpful garble.
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:56 pm
but I'm not interested in reading them
Quite okay Oss. In fact I've posted OP's to the effect that nobody hasta

He is proud of his writing cleverness

and proud of his ability to shorten ... to save typing strokes
Oh very

I won't put up ... in ESL/EFL threads
Yea Temp, I understand. If their q's were flagged somehow it would be easier to change my terrible habit for the esl

having given up trying to help
Oh don't Osso. Your crits are valuable
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 02:58 pm
a "Big Job" - only my mother,
Me too Punk, we always called it that way

You made my day, Dale.
While you make mine, Punk. In fact you're right at the top of my list
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 03:02 pm
I don't have to ... on toilet cubicle walls, ... intrude into my awareness.... We see them...very stupid.

Thank you Trox but howdja know that if you don't read 'em all
Jus' pullin' the ol' leg Trox, we love ya
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 03:03 pm
ossobucotemp wrote:
I think erstwhile is his favorite word

It is intensely apposite, as would also be "whilom".
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 03:05 pm
erstwhile is his favorite word
Been workin' on that Buco. Sometimes use 'former,' 'prior,' 'past,' etc, but 'erstwhile' makes me look a little smarter than I really am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 03:20 pm
you think we didn't understand that?
Oh c'mon Oss, I was bein' facetious. Let's not take ev'tng so very seriously

Code:messing up the ESL threads...confusing new learners
Bad habit, will attempt reform, very grateful for your repeated, most intense observations

playful unhelpful garble
Alas, alack; yet some do get a chuckle; and I always respond to the 'vic's' followup q

But please guys don't makde me write out 'question' every time

But OS:, SO, how'BU COn To all TEM Pearly resp's to my abbrs
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 03:23 pm
also be "whilom".
By God Cotemp it is a real word, isn't it. It's not everyday.....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 03:25 pm
Don't encourage him.
Oh but do
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Mar, 2017 03:30 pm
I've told you a million times not to call me oss.
Then you say you are 84 and then 85 and then 86, which is good, that you keep on keeping on. But, you famously don't listen to comments you don't want to hear, and listen to those you don't mind.

You seem to have no conception that people mostly don't want their names fooled with in some save strokes maneuver. Talk about impolite.
Sometimes people get shortened or pet names, but that is usually from fondness, ok with the named person.

Some of us get to know and like each other, maybe have met in real life back when a2k had meetings, mostly in the US, but sometimes in Europe.
I know I've shortened people names, people I love, like Roberta. She yelled at me once recently for my not calling her Robbie lately. I'll increase my usage immediately, not to overdue of course.

I think cutting everybody's user or real name off is abusive.

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