That makes sense to me, Blickers: from some on a2k and elsewhere, I see us in the US as in a thicket of burrs and odd bugs and rattlesnakes and black widows, and basic structural unhinging. Not only that, it is going fast, like an old commercial for Anacin.
Lest I be called both racist and biased, I've lived in houses with black widow spiders (this started when I was about seven). I still live in one, and I'll not forget chasing one in my sink, but I think they don't want to see me either. I've been around rattlesnakes on some of our landscape jobs in CA and they are here too. Every so often, I should renew instructions for avoiding rattlesnake bites, but so far so good. Same with a2k.
I think this government crew is interesting, of course, history-wise.
They or it got a jump on us re how strong all this has been growing.
At the same time, I have long known quite sane Republicans, my mother, for example. Yes, she wanted the government to pay Catholic schools. My father and I disagreed, even when I was still religious. I still know sane Republicans.