Tue 26 Oct, 2004 08:24 am
We are having new carpet installed. While moving furniture we discovered that our old carpet was damp. I pulled the carpet up from the wall, and found that the small strips of would that hold the carpet were rotten with water damage. I removed the base board to find the same with it on the bottom of it. There was also some damp drywall involved
on both sides of the wall. The other side of this wall ia a bathroom with a shower. the sole plate was damp on both sides of the wall. There are not any pipes on this side of the wall. Our was was repiped 2 years ago but there isn't any signs of a leaking pipe. It appears that it is coming from our shower. I have removed the caulking at the base of the shower . It appears that some was missing in the corner closest to the damp areas. There is appearance of some mildew and mold. How can I determine if thats where the water is coming from ? What kind of drying time am I looking at ? And what should i use to get ride of the mold and mildew?