Thu 23 Feb, 2017 02:09 pm
Stephen Hawking's physical condition has not only rendered him into a wheelchair, but it has also significantly hindered his scientific progress and discoveries. Sure, he has definitely made progress and discoveries. But if it weren't for this condition in the first place, then he could have made so much more progress and discoveries.
So, in my personal view, he would have been far better off never having this condition. His condition might have yielded some growth and development in his personality, but that is none of my concern. My concern if I were a scientist like him would be to make as much discoveries and progress as I possibly could. That, to me, would be growth and development.
I view personal growth and development differently than the typical Rocky Balboa meme. I view it as having all the happiness, progress, health, discoveries, etc. given to you. It is what modern science is trying to make happen. The Rocky Balboa version of growth and development is simply outdated to me. It is primitive and needs to be thrown away since a life of illness, suffer, and misery is nothing of any value to me.
But a highly advanced life created through science in the future where all illnesses are eliminated and where we can have nothing holding us back and beating us down from pursuing and achieving the full degree of our goals, dreams, and pursuits, then that would be the greatest life in my opinion. That would be the greatest growth and development one could have.
Therefore, I think all the geniuses out there would be far better off without any illness or condition holding them back from achieving the full degree of their goals, dreams, and pursuits. They would have been able to create so much more works of art, make so much more progress and discoveries, etc. So this is a topic where you can complain and hate on all the suffering, depression, misery, disease, and mortality in this life and how much it hinders us, beats us down, and hinders us.
If there were someone or something I really hated in my life, then I would want to present that said thing or person here so it or he/she can get beat up like a punching bag by all the hate and complaints of others. Therefore, that is what I am trying to do here in this topic since I really hate depression, unhappiness, suffering, illness, disease, and mortality. Without such loathsome things in our lives, then our lives would yield so much more value, growth, development, joy, happiness, health, and progress.
Moz the absencxe of a profile but the kind of recent posts seems to say you're a philo kind; me too tho not near as bright nor expressive
The principal illness holding
me back of course is age 86
There's also the possibility that his medical condition made him better than he would have been if he'd been fully able bodied. Without the medical matters, he might have spent less time researching and spent time golfing or hang gliding.
We don't know how an adversity will be received and whether it will take over or shock a person into striving harder than ever.
I disagree with your statement. I think Stephen Hawking would still have been fully dedicated to his scientific pursuits whether he had his condition or not. The only difference here would be that he would have made so much more progress and discoveries not having his condition.
Perhaps. We will however never know.
I agree. I also think people operate heavy machinery better when not being smacked with a baseball bat repeatedly. Studies have shown that when construction workers, no matter how skilled they are when NOT being hit repeatedly with an ash baseball bat, they perform poorly after repeated whacks to the thoracic, and cervical vertebrae as well as the posterior cerebellum.
More studies are needed to see if using a jackhammer is also effected by being repeatedly smashed in the head with a baseball bat.
why did you post this on a philosophy forum?
Unfortunately I dont see you around as much as I would like old stubborn...Glad you step by.
Yeah I dont have the vaguest clue why this is brought to a Philosophy forum.
@Fil Albuquerque,
Thanks, that's kind of you! i miss sparring with you, too.

i made a concerted effort to stop participating on the forums at a certain point when i realized that the online format was providing too much tinder to my anger and not my actual thinking!
i still dip into the forum, now and again, but i often find that i have nothing useful or interesting to contribute, and vice versa. i kinda miss the old crowd, annoying as you all were.
But i'll keep checking in, and i'm sure that i'll find a way to pointlessly provoke you again
You're a well-wisher. But your thinking pattern doesn't show that you've read Stephen Hawking's work.
But i'll keep checking in
Quote:why did you post this on a philosophy forum?..But i'll keep checking in
Oh do, Razz
Razz, Fil, we also welcome sci and esl though the TAATANE gripe at abbrs
Personally, I think he would be delighted to get out of that chair, put on a swimsuit and take a dip in the pool.
Later he might find some foxy lady and ask for a dance.
Of course, that's just me.
Coffee, anyone?
I sorta kinda thought I was referring to Mr. Hawking.
The old and incompetent (me) thank ya
Are you getting enough rain?
After years of drought in Alpine, we finally noticed a leak in our foundation.
Who wouldda thought?
Quote:Are you getting enough rain?
It's interesting Neo you should so ask because SE Apple Valley, Ca, is the driest spot in the Mojave. Literally, when cars are floating down the street in adjacent Hesperia, hardly a drop here
Quote:After years of drought in Alpine
So it's like AV
Quote:Who wouldda thought?
Lo: That's Gist what we say, Neo
Gotta forgive ny puns, can't hell pit
No one is better off without the full extent of his identity.
Personally I embrace the full package of my nature....that includes for instance my terrible eye sight.
Of course, one can evolve our experiencing of the world and sometimes resorting to a treatment opens a door to a paralell path of having such experiencing. One that its not necessarily better, just distinct.