raheel wrote:in a way they are guesses-
Yes they are.
I think they are...but rather than argue that, I'll leave it be that they are not insignificant.
Quote:...my guesses are not made at random, they are logically reached conclusions andtheorys- yes thats what they are theories.
Yes...guesses. We agree on that. If you want to call them theories...that is okay; that does not make them any less guesses. If you want to call them hypotheses...that is also okay; that does not make them any less guesses.
But I might call you your attention that most "theories" and "hypothoses" are there merely to be tested and attacked. I'll finish that thought in a second.
Quote:...they are conclusions which i have constructed and which i have no reason to doubt
If you have "no reason to doubt them"...stop calling them "theories."
In any case...you have done a very poor job of "logically" dealing with them if you honestly can say you have no reason to doubt them.
And if they are theories...as I started mentioning up above...rather than declare that they are something you have no reason to doubt...but instead, doubt them...and question them.
Quote:...as i have thought them through. guesses are made at random and imply no effort input at all!
Nearly as I can see...you have put lots of effort into this...and then randomly decided on a guess.
And calling a thing a "guess" does not in any way imply no effort. I often make guesses about who is going to win a particular football game...and then stake money on the guess. I put lots of effort into the guesses. That doesn't make them any the less guesses. Said another way: An informed guess....is a guess.
In any case...one of the pitfalls of dealing with this matter the way you are...is that you end up with statements like this:
Quote:what i believe is what i know.
No...what you "believe" is not what you KNOW. That is obvious delusion on your part.
Or statements like this:
Quote:... if i believe something it is like a fact to me.
Yeah...I can see that. And it is also like a guess.
You want to treat your guesses as facts. (That is what JL wants to do also.)
They may be...you may guess correctly. But they may not be...you may guess incorrectly.
There either is a God...or there is not.
Simply because you have made a guess that there is....A BLIND GUESS...does not mean there is a God. And no matter how blind you are to this...IT IS NOT A FACT...not to you or to anyone else. It is merely an unsubstantiated, blind guess.
And it makes about as much sense as the guesses atheists make....that there are no gods.