val wrote:Frank
If truth is something objective, external to us, HOW DO YOU KNOW IT?
Because it is defined that way. It is like 2 + 2 = 4.
n The state of being the case; FACT; The body of real things, events, and facts; Actuality.
Quote:How can you claim that something is true no matter what you think or perceive of it?
If you are talking about a specific "something"...and if that something is an unknown...I never said I could.
Take the matter of whether or not there is a God. And let us assume for the sake of this small discussion that either a) there is a God or b) there is no God.
The "truth" about whether or not there is a God is one or the other of those things...and it does not matter one whit if your perception of the issue is that there is a God...or there is no God.
The "truth"...(the actuality; the state of being the case; the FACT; The body of real things, events, and factS)...IS WHAT IT IS...without regard to anyone's perception of it...and
without regard to whether or not anyone can actually have a perception of it.
Quote:What's the criteria for establishing that objective truth?
Beats the shyt out of me. In fact, I would argue that there are many truths we simply cannot, at our current stage of being, establish at all. Perhaps, never will be able to!
Quote:Or is it just a belief
No "belief" involved here at all.