Yeah, I can't find any information on whose site is, but the real aljazeera news is definitely
Maybe we got snookered Deb
Well, some of those are still interesting topics.
Well, that is interesting - I am in Al Jazeera net now - and it is in Arabic - I can't see a button for English.
But - googled and found English edition. says it is the "International English Edition"......definitely different........
My Goodness!!!!!!
Bless you Freeduck!!!!!!
I have now signed on for email alerts from Aljazeera net too - will do some research when I get home from work!!!!!!
I mean - if it has nothing to do with Aljazeera net, but uses their name, it can be up to no good!
You could have asked me .... or looked at my response above :wink:
Good googling deb. There is an English button in the left corner of the topmost menu too, I think. But it's all the same.
I thought the real aljazeera news was more BBC-ish than the fake one, but that's just my take.
One thing kind of funny, the article lists the time of the attack at 4AM Eastern Time. Must be an American site. The article correctly names the time as 12 noon -- the time in Iraq of the attack. is a news portal/conspiracy site based out of the United Arab Emirates (that's where questionable stories such as 'Bin Laden in China' etc are from). is the news site based in Qatar which gets all the Al-Qaeda videos etc.
Conspiracy by whom????
I was wondering if it was a damned CIA plot!!!!
Lol - I am killing this thread!!!!
Covering my shame, I am gonna delete these damned bodgy reports!!!
Why? Don't do that. It serves as good information for others.
And just to make things more confusing, now Panzade's comment on the first page DOES make sense...
(Panzade, are you psychic?)
Walter Hinteler wrote:
You could have asked me .... or looked at my response above :wink:
I was googling as you posted.
Panzade's comment ALWAYS made sense - it was about the article ON Al Jazeera, or so I thought???
Unless - sometimes the position of posts here seems to change - for me, Pan's post is after the article on Al Jazeera, which I have left there.
Was it in a different place for others?
I have done it, Free Duck - the thread as it stood was a lie!!!!