Sat 1 Feb, 2003 12:16 am
When I disconnect my USB from the computer, I always get a warning that I may have deleted or ruined by photos. How can I disconnect a live USB connection without getting that message? I use one of those Smart Media card readers, and there's no on-off switch. c.i.
I believe the point of the message is to not disconnect a "live" connection at all.
BTW are you talking about a digital camera?
Yes, both a digital camera and a Smart Media card reader that uses the USB connection to the computer. What do I need to do before disconnecting it from my computer? c.i.
Try turning off the computer. Other than that I'm not sure. I don't have the hardware and software in front of me so am unable to give a more informed answer.
That may be my only option. Thx, c.i.