What are you calling "the paradox," Dale?
If it's that each of two clock can't run slower than the other, yet special relativity claims they do, that's not a "paradox," really. It's just conclusive evidence that SR is a seriously flawed theory, that's all.
Of course, while claiming "each clock runs slower than the other" (a logical contradiction), they make an exception in the case of the "twin paradox." Again, that's not a "paradox," it's simply self-contradiction.
The theory is refuted by both the facts and logic, which they can't change. So they have to concede the facts while nonetheless trying to cling to their theory, which says otherwise. Some people call that a "paradox," I guess. I just call it stupid.
In effect SR is treating the earth as a "preferred frame of reference" in the case of the twin paradox. Yet treating any frame as preferred is absolutely prohibited by the theory. As some scientists are prone to saying: "If the facts conflict with the theory, then so much the worse for the facts/"