Hello, I am attempting to replace the ceiling light/fan in my bedroom. In the process of figuring out which wire in the fixture did what, I noticed something odd. When the light switch is on, two of the three wires in the fixture are hot. When the light switch is off, the same two wires in the fixture remain hot.
While examining the single-pole light switch that controls the ceiling light, I found that both wires leading to the switch are hot regardless if the switch is on or off. When I disconnected both wires from the switch, I found that both wires were hot. All of this testing was done with a non-contact tester, if it matters.
So, is this correct or is something wrong? I would think that one of the wires to the switch would be hot and the other would be cold (unless the switch was turned on). Also, I would think that of the three wires in the ceiling light fixture, I would expect at least one of the wires to turn from hot-to-cold when the light switch was flipped.
I took some pictures to hopefully better explain what I'm trying to describe. In each I have red circles around the hot wires. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to embed so I have linked to my Google Drive.
Light switch:
Ceiling fixture:
I appreciate any help or advice anyone has to offer. Thank you in advance.