Sun 17 Oct, 2004 10:51 am
Mornin', CS. I am always intrigued by black and white, and these are great. I especially like the second one and the look of "tolerance" on that young man's face.
The third study in black and white is mysterious, but I think I catch a glimpse of profile on the left.
Love 'em.
The third is a man leaning back on the couch. The dark mass in the middle is half of his face. You can also see the outline of his glasses at that same spot.
great what? are you being fesicious?
of course she isn't, CS. Vivien is a fine artist and was complimenting you.
Besides, facetious means joking, anyway
oh, oops, sorry vivien, i didnt mean any disrespect. thanks letty for clarifying.
CarbonSystem wrote:great what? are you being fesicious?
yes I was saying that I think they are very good - I'm lazy and often shorten things! sorry if you misunderstood
no problem, thanks for clarifying
they are pictures?

initially i thought they were photos
They are photos. I guess picture is the wrong term to use. I took them with a camera.
they are photos...with the contrast monkey'd with JB...I'm being
Pay no attention to the man in the panz, CS. He's a card carrying member of the brat brigade
Does anyone else like these pics?
No, pictures was the right word..
Anyone can **** on a piece of paper and call it art. So that word is pretty loosely defined. But if you ask me, the difference between good art and bad art is in how much interpretation is applied as to how much of a direct analytical copy it is.
The more complexity you can remove from your work....the more detail or emotion you can imply with each stroke...the better your art will be.
Using this threshold filter certainly can be used to that effect...but it's sort of cheating, because you are not making all of the difficult artistic decisions...although simply choosing the filter could be considered enough to make it yours.
Regardless, in the second image the filter changes the expression of the man too much. You have lost the image. The third one is pretty good, especially considering what a mundane subject you have chosen. The first, like I said, didn't load for me.