Wed 28 Dec, 2016 10:18 am
I'm not looking for political opinions, just assistance is the punctuation and wording of the following.
"While tragedy struck many this year, countless lives lost, a society divided by "whose life matters", the US dividing itself over deleted emails and a Cheeto colored cartoon character; many consider the year 2016 the worst.
However, on a personal note, this has been the best year I've had in a really long time. 2015 was my worst year. Though 2015 was the worst for me it really helped me put things into perspective. 2016 began and I sought to prioritize what's most important to me. Of course, I've stumbled here and there but it's a journey. While everyone complains about 2016 I am thankful for it every day. I landed a job with people who appreciate me and understand my worth, I rekindled an old flame who has turned out to be my soul mate and I found my way back to college to finally finish what I started. I am so happy to end 2016 with the love of my life by my side, the most supportive friends anyone could ask for and with a career path set in place.
So, while complaining about 2016 you should also be thinking of ways to improve in 2017. Not only for yourself but for everyone and everything around you.
While tragedy struck many this year with countless lives lost, in a society divided by "whose life matters" and with trivial controversy over deleted emails as well as the ridiculous behavior of a certain Cheeto-colored cartoon character, many consider 2016 the worst. However it has been
my best year in a really long time.
Although 2015 on the other hand was my worst, its lessons learned really helped me put things into perspective as 2016 began and I sought to prioritize what's most important to me....
Sorry New, but it's very tedious work and so let's hope someone else will pick up the rest
Forgive pun