im looking for photoshop but without the price tag... any ideas?
ahem... there is a program named BitTorrent that has a system of, well, torrents that do a nice job of taking the price tag off software.
Seed, can't PM at the moment due to post count... I've added you to Yahoo Messenger or you could give me your mail.
thought you had more post... my fault...
Seed wrote:well what did that fat man named santa bring you?
I got lots of these

so that I can get these

Plus I got to see my whole family for two wonderful days.
Hmmm... that first image is supposed to be a gift card but it is not working.
oh! Santa brought me a new car stereo and money for my summer vacation I'm planning
what kind of stereo? pic by chance?
It really is, specially when I tell you my last stereo didn't have any cd capability... only tape. And that it worked better when it was cold outside (or at least I think it did).
Did you buy photoshop?
no i didnt buy it... i was downloading it and then went to bed... over night i lost connection and it stopped at 41%.... i almost cried... i got it started back and it was going to take twice as long... so im gonna try again tonight i think
BTW Seed, I've seen up to episode 15 of Red vs Blue. It's very funny.
im glad you like it joe... great stuff... keep up the watching... it gets even funnier
Hey guys. Yeah, I wasn't expecting that 2 weeks to turn into a month either, but I'm glad that you kept this thread going for me. My holidays were good, I had another birthday, and now I have a few minutes to get on here. Sad to say, I'll probably never be as active on A2K as I used to be, although really, when I made over 100 posts in my first day, I guess I can never be as active as that. I'll try to stop by every few days, when I can, and I hope that you guys are all doing well. Keep me informed! Even if I'm not around for a while, I still like catching up when there's time.
glad to see you back smog... and dont worry we will keep the shop clean for you... pop in when you can :-)
Hey good to see you smog... make sure you stop by and say hi every once in awhile.
Oh, jp, how did the thing with the loser guy go?
i believe that is the one he is talking about... yes please do fill us in jp