Lady J, that was beautiful, and welcome to A2K.
Thanks to everyone who has responded so far...and I hope that you keep doing so.
When I was a child, I often dreamt that I was in a maze. Sometimes in my dreams, I would show up late without having completed my homework, OH NO! Then there were the sad dreams, but those are no fun to describe.
Seed, your mother sounds like the coolest person ever.
jespah, a great idea for a topic! I unfortunately never had any interesting costumes for Halloween. I always dressed as a bum (which consisted of a tweed jacket, my normal clothes, and maybe a hat) or a guy-with-cuts-on-his-face or maybe a baseball player, dressed in my Little League outfit. I was lazy then, and I am lazy now. I haven't worn a costume for Halloween since middle school, probably. In high school, I had the job of passing out candy to the trick-or-treaters for my family, which I actually enjoyed. Now, I'm too cheap and live in too apathetic of a neighborhood to give out candy on Halloween.
Ok, now, think about this: What if we had numerous topics for this thread, or what if the topic changed every couple pages? I think it could be fun to have many different discussions going on at once, or even many people making posts (like this one!) with many thoughts and discussions covered at once. O, to dream!
Anyway, keep posting about whatever, and I'll be back later to smile and maybe raise my arms in triumph, depending on how well you guys do.