Oh... it was great. She moved out to NY in October and was waiting for him to get his sh*t together and move out there with her. She found him a job, let him live with her and her roomates and even helped him move out there. Within one week he failed to wake up in time to open up the restaurant she got him a job at, freaked out, pissed off her roomate (who was manager at the restaurant), packed his stuff up and moved back home. It was like an early christmas present

good-bye to bad rubish I say.
well Jp im glad you liked my present... you see what i did was i snuck up there and sneaked a few sleeping pills into his drink... made sure he would be out cold and wouldnt wake up till late... then i goaded the room mate into not taking his crap...
Aww, there's nothing I like more than a heartwarming tale with a happy ending!
hallo there to all and sundry,
i am unaware of the current topic of conversation but i thought twas necessary to 'check out' smog's thread of ongoingness.. and have decided on posting before reading.. always sensible
best way to do it i say... jump in head first...
To be honest, I hardly remember what has been discussed in this thread, and it's my own. So don't feel bad at all, ann, especially since any post which you add just contributes to the ongoingness, and ain't nothin' wrong with that.
So, we need a topic of conversation again. I'm sure it's been done elsewhere on this forum, but I'm too lazy to search for the thread: I want to hear about your favorite written works. Nonfiction, novels, short stories, essays, online stuff--doesn't matter. I've recently regained my love of reading, so I'm quite interested in hearing what the others who read this thread like to read. And include descriptions and anecdotes and stuff. Entertain us all, since I can't be trusted with that job.
For fun I am reading The Taking by Dean Koontz.
To get me angry I am reading The Quest for Cosmic Justice by Thomas Sowell.
this is what im watching at the moment....
along with this
Mmmm... drugs in milk....
make it easier to go down...
I'm currently working on this safe, dependable, yet not all that inventive collection of short stories:

Stacked around me are also some other random books and literary journals, but I haven't
really started most of them yet.
I'm currently reading this book:
The name of the rose.
It's very hard to read though, I thought about starting a topic to make fellow a2kers help me with it, might start it later.
People told me so many good things about it I hope it doesn't disappoint, so far so good.
Hmmm... just looked through my "Your Posts" majigga.. and on lots of them I am the last person to have posted..
Are people avoiding me?
Maybe it's because my comments don't actually require an answer.. diddums.
You've posted an uncharacteristic amount today, ann. I'm impressed!
Since this is the post of ever changing subjects....
Seeing as how I don't know how to ask the following I'll try to at least make myself clear:
From what name does Betty come from?
Like Bill comes from William
Joe from Joseph
Chris from Christopher... etc.
I'm pretty sure, but not positive, that Betty is a name itself, and not a nickname or shortening of another name.