My sister moved from Milwaukee to NYC in October. I was hoping she would forever leave her looser boyfriend behind and move onto better things. But, alas, it was all wishful thinking for today he moved out there to be with her. Not only that, but being a starving artist, I offered to buy her a plane ticket home for Christmas. She cheerfully agreed. We were planning to surprise our parents who are not expecting her home.
So I called her a few days ago and find out that the looser boyfriend is coming home as well... well not really home... our folks live in Illinois and his family is in Milwaukee... he is coming to OUR house. Needless to say, the rest of the family isn't to happy about this.
So do any of you fine A2k'ers that call NYC home want to help me with this problem?
looking for someone to get a contact with the mofia and put a hit on him are you jp?
Seed wrote:looking for someone to get a contact with the mofia and put a hit on him are you jp?
Well I'm trying not to incriminate myself so...
-looks about- well if you want, i can have a friend take him fishing... there is a great cement factory right on the waterside he might enjoy.
hey Seed! aren't you supposed to be blowing smoke over here?
yes i am... and it would seem that i failed miserably... tis a shame... -hangs head in shame- what will smog think of me... a dream of his would have been forgotten if it wasnt brought back by that nice man... what was his name again -stupid head wound- but i shall do my best... and im sure JP will soon help as well
I believe you and your dented melon were trying to remember Region Philbis. Nice man, in spite of the nipple brooches he insists on wearing as an avatar :wink:
that would be the man

dented melon... i could go for some melon right now... but none in the house... shame
You're right. Melon would be good right now. Too late to go to the market on the Danforth now - and I was uneasy about going there earlier, as it was still crawling with cops on that part of the block. Not sure I wanted to be mixing with the homicide squad if my dogs took a dislike to them.
i hear ya... i have no dealings with cops... their all fine and dandy just rather not give them a reason to say "hey you there, why you lookin so shifty" when im really just confussed on why they are looking at me... mmm melon...
ehBeth wrote:You're right. Melon would be good right now. Too late to go to the market on the Danforth now - and I was uneasy about going there earlier, as it was still crawling with cops on that part of the block. Not sure I wanted to be mixing with the homicide squad if my dogs took a dislike to them.

what went down at the market
well let me tell you all about it... may I ehbeth?
Kids trying to hold-up a sportswear shop last night. One 17 year-old shot and killed by the cop who responded first. "My" fruit market's in the same block. When I first headed over today, I thought all the yellow tape was left-over NYE revelry.
Oops. Didn't see ya there, Seed.
Maybe you can make it sound more dramatic?
lot of young people dying in toronto these days
well no thats fine.... i think your words were just fine.
dont know... didnt think he would be gone for this long...
Well, what do you want to talk about today, seed?
well what did that fat man named santa bring you?