Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 02:34 pm

When you put a piece of paper close to a bus parked in the street, by observing that no influence is noticed from the bus to the piece of paper, then the theory of Relativity has been completely invalidated.

When you cause the bus to run fast and pass by close to the piece of paper in the street, and you see the "pulling" of it, then you know that gravity is just that, a force.

The moving bus moves the paper because, the barometric pressure in front of the bus is higher than behind the bus. This causes a wind, which the paper gets caught up in. It has nothing to do with gravity. Changes in barometric pressure are changes in entropy in one area of the atmosphere compared to another area of the atmosphere. This is simple high school physics that is easily tested and proven. This technology is used daily in weather predictions.

Since 1999 I stated this fact, that gravity is motion in action: a force.

When you state something, is it automatically a fact? I agree gravity is the result of motion in action, but it also factors in volume and density.
Everything is explained with words describing the phenomena. Numbers is just the presentation of the quantities involved. That's all.
Words are deciphered in your mind by its built in clock. When you see a word, hear a word, or even think a word, your mind is comprehending the patterns in the wave lengths of electromagnetic energy your body is sensing with its ears and eyes. To tell the difference in wavelengths, your mind is measuring the amount of time between each wave as it is sensed, and then comparing to predetermined patterns it learned earlier in life. So our ability to understand information as language, and all information transfer in this universe, depends on our minds ability to measure time. And measuring time requires numbers. So to your mind, words represent patterns your mind recognizes as, it counts the time in Planck seconds between each electromagnetic wave your body senses. That makes patterns (in "numbers" obtained by tracking the Planck time between electromagnetic waves) the building blocks of words in your mind (and everything else that can sense electromagnetic waves and process the information they are transmitting). Math helps us to develop and explain the patterns in the numbers. That's what words do to. So by that reasoning, I think you could almost call a mathematical equation a word when it is used to describe a pattern. What's important to sentient beings, is those patterns eventually need to build a picture in your mind to become an actual idea that can be compared to physical reality. You are just having a hard time relating some of Einstein's math or words to a picture of reality. Maybe you need to study and understand the language he is using before you call him a poor idiot. To me he appears to understand and describe a certain view of the universe where gravity plays a major role (the relationship between large objects over great distances) extremely accurately. Gravity does not matter at the masses and distances you are talking about with your bus and paper story. (except between the earth and the bus and the paper). Electromagnetic forces do.
Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 02:43 pm
Gravity is over-rated. Gravity sucks (thank Dog).
Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 02:59 pm
Compared to what what rates higher than gravity?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 06:02 pm
You are such a clown.

Grow a sense of humor.
Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 06:53 pm
The moving bus moves the paper because, the barometric pressure in front of the bus is higher than behind the bus. This causes a wind, which the paper gets caught up in. It has nothing to do with gravity. Changes in barometric pressure are changes in entropy in one area of the atmosphere compared to another area of the atmosphere. This is simple high school physics that is easily tested and proven. This technology is used daily in weather predictions.

And the same happens in the outer space.

The current problem today is the brainwashing in people minds that Relativity is a valid theory of science. In base to this absurdity scientists can't see that space is indeed formed by something other than vacuum or "nothing".

A review made on Michelson Morley experiment, shows that they committed errors, technically and with interpretation of data, and the result of their experiment wasn't negative or "zero" but it is opposition, and this is caused by the composition of space.

Relativity, a theory suffering checkmates by hundreds since its presentation in the 1900s, is based in a faulty experiment.

Having space composed of Ether, a composition that is described with different names by modern theories but at the end of the day is simply Ether, is the medium actin g as "air" when bodies at high speed travel thru space and pull other small bodies.

If you pay attention to our solar system, your eyes will be opened and you'll have no doubts that gravity is just motion in action.

Take away the good for nothing jargon like "space time" from your thoughts.

Make a model of the solar system applying speed of bodies, rotational speed, calculate the size and density of bodies, and use ether as the medium acting like air.

There you have it, physics is not complicated at all, it is as simple as to what we observe in our planet with storms, etc.

I can tell you that using videos from astronauts in the Moon I can prove you the existence of ether (aether).

By a simple demonstration of the behavior of the bodies inside the solar system, the fact that gravity is just motion acting as a force can be easily accomplished.

Hell with silly formulas and equations,as the "evidence" because numbers alone say nothing.

Evidence is empirical, not a calculation.


Electromagnetic forces do

And you are confirming my point.

Electromagnetism is also motion in action. Besides the pulling force from a body affecting another body, other motion in action called electromagnetism intervene with its influence.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 08:04 pm
Gravity is a force. Period.

When you put a piece of paper close to a bus parked in the street, by observing that no influence is noticed from the bus to the piece of paper, then the theory of Relativity has been completely invalidated.

When you cause the bus to run fast and pass by close to the piece of paper in the street, and you see the "pulling" of it, then you know that gravity is just that, a force.

What it causes this force is motion.

Motion rules the universe.

Since 1999 I stated this fact, that gravity is motion in action: a force.

Motion of bodies in straight way will cause the pulling of smaller bodies, and rotating motion of big bodies cause the orbital motion of smaller bodies.

You don't need to waste time measuring far away galaxies, you just can prove my words by observing our solar system.

For years I have been laughing of the absurd ideas that those so called scientists invented about gravity, like the stupid "space-time" or the ridiculous "graviton particle". Lol

The same as I discovered the law of perception, that we (including our instruments) can only perceive the present of the universe, I also discovered that this force of gravity is caused by motion and that it has nothing extraordinary but that is a regular phenomena in the universe that can be even repeated in lab, like the bus with a piece of paper described at the beginning of this message.

So, forget of that dumb idea that we see planet Jupiter "as it was 30 minutes ago", because regardless of their distance from us, we see the galaxies in their current location and status simultaneously with our current location and status.

Gravity is a force caused by motion.

Einstein was a poor idiot, and everyone trying to prove a fact thru numbers as the main source is just another idiot.

Numbers are not a language to explain something, numbers are just quantities.

Everything is explained with words describing the phenomena. Numbers is just the presentation of the quantities involved. That's all.

Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 08:09 pm
Not sure, but with suitable provocation, I think it's okay to spell out "*******". I've been wrong before, of course.
Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 10:17 pm


It will be funny seeing you attempting to prove false about what I have said .

Gravity as a force caused by motion in action can be proved correct under all scenarios, while the theoretic approaches of the several theories trying to explain it require of special requisites, can be "proved correct" only with computerized models, backed up solely with silly equations and formulas... and, last but not least, by observation of far away galaxies with special instruments that nobody but the claimers can use and interpret. Lol.

Yes, Lol... ha ha ha ha ha...

I will tell you the following:

You don't need anything else but the observation with naked eyes of gravity between earth and the moon to prove it as a force caused by motion.

So, go and F*** yourself. Lol
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 06:08 am
I am smiling. You sound angry. Where gravity and the nuclear forces come from are huge questions science cannot answer. I am betting the answer will reveal a Designer. It is just around the corner when they clarify entropic gravity. Then the whole discussion will change from "there is no designer" to "who is the designer". That makes me happy. Doesn't it make you happy?
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 06:22 am
It will be funny seeing you attempting to prove false about what I have said .

Gravity as a force caused by motion in action can be proved correct under all scenarios, while the theoretic approaches of the several theories trying to explain it require of special requisites, can be "proved correct" only with computerized models, backed up solely with silly equations and formulas... and, last but not least, by observation of far away galaxies with special instruments that nobody but the claimers can use and interpret. Lol.

Yes, Lol... ha ha ha ha ha...

I will tell you the following:

You don't need anything else but the observation with naked eyes of gravity between earth and the moon to prove it as a force caused by motion.

I proved it false. It was the wind moving the paper in the bus example. There was something between the bus and the paper causing the paper to move. (Moving AIR commonly known as wind.) You can't see air but you see its effects and believe it is there. What is between the Earth and the moon? You can't see it but you can see its effects. In relativity it is known as the space-time continuum and results in gravity(which is like the wind in the bus example). In Quantum Mechanics it is known as the Higgs field, providing the nuclear forces holding matter together, and giving matter mass (which is like the barometric pressure in the bus example). Both, the Higgs field and the space-time continuum are same thing, being looked at from different points of views.
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 07:55 am
I proved it false. It was the wind moving the paper in the bus example. There was something between the bus and the paper causing the paper to move. (Moving AIR commonly known as wind.) You can't see air but you see its effects and believe it is there. What is between the Earth and the moon? You can't see it but you can see its effects. In relativity it is known as the space-time continuum and results in gravity(which is like the wind in the bus example). In Quantum Mechanics it is known as the Higgs field, providing the nuclear forces holding matter together, and giving matter mass (which is like the barometric pressure in the bus example). Both, the Higgs field and the space-time continuum are same thing, being looked at from different points of views

Your input is a false as a 13 dollars bill.

Relativity never implied "motion" of space-time.

The silly idea of relativity was a dense body perturbing the so called space-time and causing other bodies falling inside that perturbation.

For this reason, the model of relativity is having a piece of paper besides a bus, where the dense body of the bus must cause perturbation on space-time and cause the piece of paper falling in it.

Such ridiculous idea never works.

The same principle applies to the silly black hole, where a collapsed star with high "density" is assumed to perturb space-time and pull everything around, this is to say, planers, stars, light, everything. The idea never implied motion but density only.

Today, the faulty theory of relativity is trying to survive by stealing again the discoveries of others.

It won't be a surprise that now relativists will "add" that a black hole must rotate"at fast speeds", and etc.

The Higgs field is nothing but ether (aether),, and even the retarded Einstein recognized that his space-time was just that: ether. The problem with relativity is that time doesn't exist at all, and by consequence this theory is a good for nothing theory.

The motion of bodies cause ether to act as wind, the necessary medium for te pulling of other bodies. And depending of the size of the interacting bodies, the forces (motion in action) created by them will cause attraction or rejection between themselves.

This is simple physics, and always has been this simple to detect and explain.

After Newton, when Eddington committed fraud to validate Relativity in 1919, the branch of physics has been attacked by fantasies invented by many in order to justify the validity of relativity.

The model of gravity as motion in action is the most accurate answer and is the winner over the rest of models.

Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 01:15 pm
What a jackass--you're a legend in your own mind. I made my comment about gravity in a spirit of mischievous fun. You were not on my mind at all, nor were you when i basically told you to piss off. You're just not important at all, certainly not enough to make me angry. That's a cheap on-line trick, when one cannot see one's interlocutor, and so tries to demean their thoughts by alleging an overwhelming emotional involvement. Really, Bubba, I don't care if you live or die.
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 05:48 pm
Sorry I took you the wrong way.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 06:07 pm
The Higgs field is nothing but ether
you are partially correct with that statement I think. I believe the evidence suggests that the heater is curled up into hey solid matrix of interlocking particles or standing waves called Higgs bozon's They form the Higgs field and is detectable where it comes into contact with matter. The Higgs bozon's of space are spinning energy stored in standing waves just like the energy in matter is stored in standing waves. That spin is the motion you need for your theory of gravity to work without the need of any of the planets moving. If that structure in space exists your theory of gravity will work alongside relativity.
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 06:45 pm
you are partially correct with that statement I think. I believe the evidence suggests that the heater is curled up into hey solid matrix of interlocking particles or standing waves called Higgs bozon's They form the Higgs field and is detectable where it comes into contact with matter. The Higgs bozon's of space are spinning energy stored in standing waves just like the energy in matter is stored in standing waves. That spin is the motion you need for your theory of gravity to work without the need of any of the planets moving. If that structure in space exists your theory of gravity will work alongside relativity.

You still don't want to accept it.

Relativity is crap to the square, and Einstein wasn't a genius but a poor retarded.

I don't need any quantum mechanics and things like that, because those are just theories.

What I state is based in facts, facts obtained by information coming from observation. Facts only.

Relativity came from the lunatic mind of Einstein,and you know that everything he presented in his theories were nothing but silly "mental experiments" lol

Apparently you are a reasonable dude, then you must accept the reality that relativity is just the imaginations of a lunatic, a retarded, an autistic, a dude with Attention Deficit Disorder. If today you want to find a new Einstein in elementary schools, just look for him in the Special Education section.

Do a favor to yourself, ask to an expert to help you cleaning up your mind from the brainwashing you have been a victim when deceiver dudes input in your brain that relativity is a true theory of science.

Gravity is motion in action, a force.

End of the discussion.

Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 08:27 pm
Not sure, but with suitable provocation, I think it's okay to spell out "*******". I've been wrong before, of course.

My first impulse was to just spell it out. Then I decided that using the asterisks made it seem more severe; as if the words were so strong that I dared not spell them out directly. I may be overthinking this a bit...

I know it's pointless to argue with the likes of Cam, but I just can't help myself. He is so completely stupid that he past the point of me just ignoring him and came right back around to "WTF ?"

Is he truly that stupid? Is he posting from the inside of some kind of institution? Is he actually a normal, reasonable guy with a sick sense of humor? Is he a troll? We'll never know. He's the kind of guy that if you actually knew him and talked to him in person, you would punch him in the nose and try to strangle him before your friends pulled you off.

maybe I should take a little break.
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 08:30 pm
Gravity is motion in action,

Did you walk to school or carry your lunch?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2017 11:20 pm

Is he truly that stupid? Is he posting from the inside of some kind of institution? Is he actually a normal, reasonable guy with a sick sense of humor? Is he a troll? We'll never know. He's the kind of guy that if you actually knew him and talked to him in person, you would punch him in the nose and try to strangle him before your friends pulled you off.

maybe I should take a little break.

You remind me a dude who lived two blocks around my house.

Apparently I started a relationship with a girl that he also liked.

But he never confronted me directly, but his attacks were indirect or thru others. His insults were thru others, like talking trash about me.

One day, I just found the opportunity to stand in front of him.

"Hey, you f***g idiot, every thing you said about me, I... to idiots like you... I say it in their face..."

Lol. (this is in the humor section, right?)

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2017 11:52 pm
The joke in our current times is the survival of good for nothing theories of science, where the assumed "geniuses" are no more than a bunch of lunatics.

Lets see the following image

In the book Brief history of Time, Hawking added to the image two arows at the bottom of the lower cone signaling space going away in different directions while the arrow of time goes from the lower cone to the upper cone thru their centers.

I pay ten million dollars to the one who proves how the hell Hawking "detected" such direction of space and time. ha ha ha ha...

One must be a complete idiot in order to take seriously the book of Hawking. No doubt that this dude enjoys of a great childish imagination, but it is ridiculous to call him a genius.

The theory of black holes started with the idea that collapsed stars will pull everything -including time- but Hawking declares, yes, they do, however black holes evaporate.

Tell me, how the heck you take seriously such stupid conclusions, conclusions based in formulas and equations of a phenomenon that never existed. Lol

Come on dudes, wake up... you have been deceived.

To keep believing in those fantasies is like kneeling in the stadium when the National Anthem starts, so rebellious against reality, and defending with courage such scientific criminality... ha ha ha ha...

This is not about logic or common sense, this is about real science, science based in facts, science free of those good for nothing theories.

Our children don't deserve such an error committed by the believers of false theories of science.

It is time to throw that pride away and time to recognize your error.

Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2017 09:53 am
Yeah. And it's just a theory, right?
0 Replies

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